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Microsoft Announces Office for iPad

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Hi <<First Name>>!

Well Microsoft finally gave in and officially announced today that it has developed Microsoft Office for the iPad.

Here is the latest news...

According to - 

Microsoft Word for iPad, Excel for iPad, and PowerPoint for iPad will all be free to download from the iTunes App Store, executives said. However, users will be only able to view existing documents. Microsoft will ask users to sign up for an Office 365 subscription—$9.99 per month for Office 365 Home Premium and $6.99 per month for the upcoming Personal plan—to actually create or edit documents. 

Office for iPad will integrate with a user’s OneDrive account, enabling a worker to create a PowerPoint presentation at the office, then edit and revise it on her train trip home. A document will remain consistently formatted, even if an Office implementation (such as Office Mobile) doesn't support a particular feature. shares - Don’t get lost trying to find Office for iPad on the App Store - it’s not there.

The iPad version of Office consists of the three most popular Office apps, Word, Excel and PowerPoint. But these aren’t available as a “suite” for downloading at the App Store, rather you have to download the apps individually Microsoft Word for iPad, Microsoft Excel for iPad and Microsoft PowerPoint for iPad. 

These free apps let you view files created with any of the apps. To get a “full” version that lets you create and edit Word, Excel or PowerPoint files, you need a subscription to Microsoft’s Office 365 service. (see above for pricing)

I will be providing my MS Office for iPad review in upcoming editions.  Also, for the cost conscious subscribers, I will be providing a review of alternative apps to MS Office. 

"Get Your Mobile On!"©
- iPad Expert Dave

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Dave Rebro
"iPad Expert Dave"
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