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April 2014

Dear Church Family,

I don’t know about you, but I long for Easter. I don’t mean spring break or sunshine or special services, though I do like all those things. I mean a fresh reminder of hope and life… that there is something good and godly beyond the frustrations, hurts, loss, and brokenness of this life.
I have felt the weight of the curse more deeply these past weeks and months. I don’t mean to sound all mystical in saying that; I just see people struggling all around me, in the world and in our church. Folks are struggling with debt and darkness, with discouragement and sorrow. Some are wrestling openly; some are wrestling silently. But it seems like a spiritual season that mirrors the winter we’ve had.
And “being a better Christian” is not going to bring the Spring. We touched on that in a recent sermon. Jesus is not an informational savior, providing study material and tests by which we are graded and periodically promoted to more advanced standing. Jesus is PERSONAL. He’s not merely the great teacher of light, life, love, and grace; He IS God’s light, life, love, and grace.
On Easter, we will celebrate his resurrection once again; but it is finished… it is done. It is a reality right now. He is risen, which means that in our dark place, He is there as light. In our broken situation, He is there as healer. In our grief and sorrow and shame, He is there RIGHT NOW as God’s living grace and love.
This is as true to the Good News as I know how to be. God is with us in Christ. We don’t gather at church merely to learn, but to experience that reality and say ‘thank you’ for what IS.
Please know that as your pastor and friend, I pray with you and for you every day. I long with you and for you to experience that Easter reality day to day. And I declare an early “He is risen!” to remind us all of what is already true, even if some days we forget it.
In Christ,


April 6: Last Words Before Crucifixion: Luke 22:35-38
The followers of Jesus should expect and prepare for persecution.

April 13: Palm Sunday: On a Donkey's Colt: John 12:12-16
Jesus fulfilled a number of Kingship prophecies. He is King of kings, but of a Heavenly Kingdom.

April 17: Maundy Thursday: Betraying the Son of Man: Matthew 26:20-35; Mark 14:16-31
Jesus suffered and died for sinners, even those (like us) who would betray Him.

April 20: Easter: More Than Life: More than Death: MORE
Jesus is risen from the dead: sin and death are defeated, we have hope for MORE.

April 27: Resurrection Meal: Luke 24:33-47
The risen Jesus was the fulfillment of all God has promised in Scripture: suffering, rising and repentance for forgiveness of sin proclaimed to all the nations.

APR events

in addition to regular weekly events...

05: 10am-2pm:
Choir Retreat

13: 11:00am:
Palm Sunday

16: 7:00pm:
Choir Dress Rehearsal

17: 7:00pm:
Maundy Thursday

18: 1:00-7:00pm:
Journey to the Cross

20: 6:30am:
Easter Sunrise Service & Breakfast

Inter-generational Sunday School & Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Celebration Worship

22: 12:30pm:
VBS Planning Team Meeting

26: 9:00am-2:00pm
Women of the Church Retreat

27: after worship:
Anniversary Luncheon

May 3 & 4
Spring Play: "Working Title"
May 4
Bluegrass Worship
May 18
International Choir Concert
May 25
Summer Schedule Starts

APR service

captain: Matt Butler

prep: Angela Hinton

children's message:
06: Melissa Lancaster
13: Kathy Larson
20: Melissa Lancaster
Suzanne Harrington

lay assistant:
06: Marty McKenzie
13: Graham Meeks
20: Chris Orr
Robin Orr

children's church:
13: Kim Kinken
27: Cindy Dolinger

06: Robin Orr
       Abby Austell
13: Betsy Richardson
       Henry Slade
20: Kim Kinken
       Calista Ball
27: Chris Orr
       Juliette Tillery

fellowship time:
06: The Fourchers
13: The Gallants
20: The Balls
27: The Harringtons

APR birthdays

01: Grace Hayes
04: Bill Kinken
04: Robin Hetterly
06: Heather Austell
07: Ron Pack
08: Bettye Putnam
11: Melissa Katibah
11: Andy Houston
11: Bunny Littleton
14: Emily Woods
18: Kathleen Katibah
22: Lois Couch
24: Beth Kreutzer
26: Roberta Garrett
26: Tiffany Hinton
28: Tyler Dameron

29: Walker Austell
30: Ashley Butler
30: Tyler Harrington
30: Karla Katibah

If we have missed anyone, please let us know so we can update our records!

**Remember that you can access our church calendar online anytime at http://gspccalendars.

Our Spring play has started rehearsals and is shaping up to be really great! We have a cast of 24 actors (oh my!) of all ages and a great crew so far. The play is called "Working Title" and is "a play within a play" - the story is about a group of people trying to put on a play... and it's not going so well. It's a fun story with some funny moments and a punch of a message at the end. It should be a great lighthouse event to invite all of your friends and family! So, be sure to invite everyone you know - Saturday, May 3 at 7:00 pm and Sunday, May 4 at 4:00 pm.

Volunteer Opportunities: With Kathy Larson's hours cutback, we're all going to have to pitch in a little more to make this play happen, so, the following volunteer roles are available.

1. Marketing/Advertising: organizing volunteers to distribute posters, set up a FB event invite, possibly contact radio stations, The Observer, other churches, etc. to do everything we can to get the word out!

2. Set Construction Leader: no designing necessary, Kathy already has the vision, you just have to (with a large group of volunteers) carry it out! Someone with some building experience would be good, as well as pretty strong leadership skills - this is your chance to be able to boss John Wright around all weekend!!!

3. Props Master: gathering and possibly making all of the props that actors will need while on stage (we already got someone to do costumes - THANKS EMILY PEARCE!!!). 

4. Volunteer Coordinator: SLOT FILLED - THANK YOU ANGELA HINTON!

SESSION report

Daniel Kinken opened with a devotion from Romans 1:19-23 and prayer.

- Finance/Capital Campaign: Mark Katibah: as of February 28, noting a net loss of $3,543 driven by lower than expected donations. Capital Campaign: committees are working to be ready to present plans to the congregation by the end of April.

- Facilities: Daniel Kinken: March Work Day is scheduled.

- Missions & Service: Marty McKenzie: motion approved to allow Stephanie Hedrick’s mom to offer a cookbook for sale to help defray medical expenses incurred.

- Congregational Life: Chuck Jenkins: updated info for the pictorial directory has been compiled. March Chili Supper/Game Night scheduled. Registration for Bonclarken is open and 27 families have signed up.

- Worship: Jim Hinton: granted permission to take a free will offering on May 18 for the International Choir when they perform in concert at GSPC and to begin our Easter Worship Service at 10:45am.

- Robert Austell shared with the session that he has been elected to serve as a commissioner to the General Assembly when they meet in June in Detroit and that he has also been selected as one of four pastors who will participate in evangelism coach training in May.


FINANCE report


Total Offering Income $53,508 $56,666 ($3,158)
Total Expenses $57,051 $56,905 $146
Net Profit (Loss) ($3,543) $(239) ($3,304)
As part of the capital campaign upgrades, we are transitioning to new computers and software and are not able to print quarterly giving statements for Q1 of 2014. However, it is relatively easy for Diana to call up individual records, so if you would like to know what you have given and/or pledged thus far in 2014, please contact Diana Horne ( or 704-364-1234).  

COOK with the champ

A Cookbook Fundraiser has been organized for Stephanie Hedrick, one of our former Friends of Timothy recipients. She has a lot ahead of her due to her failing heart and her mom needs all the prayer and financial support she can get. Cookbooks are $15. Please see Debbie at the church office or Angela Hinton (704-607-8882). There is a cookbook for you to view on the counter at the double glass doors. Checks can be made out to Angie Metzger, Stephanie's mom.

TUNE my heart

From Cathy Youngblood, Director of Music Ministries: I recently attended the SE regional conference of the American Choral Director’s Association in Jacksonville, FL as part of my continuing education. The theme of the conference was “Engage and Inspire,” and indeed it did just that! I was engaged through the seminars led by some of the nation’s most qualified experts in areas such as sight-singing, creativity in worship, building confidence, and independence in choral singers, and resonance in the choral voice. I was inspired by the outstanding choral groups of all ages and styles who graced us with incredible music 3 times per day. The highlight, however, was a one-hour service of choral worship. The service started with the hymn Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing. We sang: “tune my heart to sing Thy praise.” Tune My Heart became the theme of the service; the spiritual implications (shared by Dr. Eric Nelson of the Atlanta Master Chorale) touched me. No matter how experienced we are at playing an instrument, we all start by taking it out of the case and tuning it. Even Yo-Yo Ma. Symphony orchestra players become silent, and listen carefully to the oboe give the “A,” and a room full of strong-willed artists all agree to tune to this singular authority outside of themselves. As we gather to worship together, we are called to unity (Romans 15:6), to tune our hearts to His authority and lay down our own. Dissension or dissonance between us and God or others is silenced and the harmony of hearts in tune becomes praise pleasing to Him.

34TH anniversary

34th Anniversary Lunch:  Sunday, April 27 following worship: we will celebrate the 34th anniversary of our church with a church-wide luncheon on the grounds on Sunday, April 27.  The church will provide Honey Baked Ham and Drinks. You can bring any side item or dessert of your choice - this is a great opportunity for the congregation to be creative or share a traditional dish! At the luncheon, Mark Katibah will provide us with a very exciting update on the progress of the Sanctuary and Norton Hall committees.

CHAIR refinishing

Have you ever had an interest in refinishing an old piece of furniture? Now is a great time to get some hands-on experience on a very simple process. As part of the Church Uplift Projects, we will be reupholstering and refurbishing all 230 sanctuary chairs. The upholstery will be done by the pros, but we as a church congregation will take on the wooden frame restoration as a DIY project.

The total time to refurbish one chair is about 1.5 hours, but this must be spread out over 4 days to include drying time for the stain and dual coats of polyurethane. We are looking for participants who can work at about 2 hour intervals at any time during the week on any of the process steps. 

If this sounds overwhelming, consider the good news - 10% of the chairs are already done (and by one person)! Please contact Chuck Jenkins (803-396-2751 or 704-747-4730) if you are interested in helping.


The preschool has openings for the fall of 2014. Please help us by spreading the word to friends and neighbors who have young children. To learn more about the preschool, contact Melissa Lancaster (; 704-362-2319) or go to goodshepherdcdp.
 for registration information or to schedule a tour. 

NEW officers

Our nominating committee welcomes names for consideration as elder and deacon. The nominating committee consists of two elders elected by session and four at-large members elected by the congregation. They review the biblical qualifications for elder and deacon, look for folks already exhibiting leadership qualities in the life and ministry of the church, and prayerfully consider nominees. If there is a church member that you would like to be considered for elder or deacon, please send their name (and indicate 'for elder' or 'for deacon') to Ann Baker (, who is chairing the nominating committee this year.
HOLY week

Holy Week is the time in the liturgical calendar (Google that phrase for some fun church learning!) that we celebrate and remember Christ's last week on earth - from His triumphal entry on Palm Sunday, to his Last Supper with His disciples, through his death and resurrection on Easter Sunday. Because this is the most important week in the church's year, we have many opportunities to worship, study, and celebrate together.   

PALM SUNDAY: April 13, 11:00 am: we will celebrate Jesus' triumphal entry with special music and a palm processional. See below for instructions to children for the processional.

MAUNDY THURSDAY: April 17, 7:00 pm: we will gather to remember Christ’s ultimate sacrifice for us in Word, song and sacrament. The choir will share the music of Craig Courtney, “In His Place,” reflecting on the role each person has (then and now) in nailing Christ to the cross. Communion will be shared. Many consider this one of the most meaningful services of the church year. Come and worship.

GOOD FRIDAY: Journey to the Cross: April 18, open 1:00-7:00 pm (individual prayer walk takes 30-45 minutes) Journey to the Cross is an individual guided prayer journey through the last week of Jesus' life here on earth, following thirteen interactive "stations of the cross." When you get to the church, you get an mp3 player with headphones and a journal and walk through, listening to a spiritual reflection with instructions for interacting with the materials at each station. Journey to the Cross is designed to make the journey of Christ real to you, through tangible experience and creative prayer. It is a powerful spiritual experience.


- Sunrise Ser
vice: 6:30 am: a unique time to celebrate Christ's resurrection (rising) with the rising of the sun on Easter morning. The timing of this service is a tangible reminder of Christ's rising from the dead and the LIGHT that comes from a relationship with the risen Lord. It is truly a wonderful experience and totally worth getting up extra early!  

- Sunrise Service Continental Breakfast: immediately after the Sunrise Service, the Congregational Life Ministry Team will host a Continental Breakfast of coffee, juices, pastries, and fruit.

- Inter-generational Sunday School: 9:30 am: what has become an Easter tradition over the last few years, join all ages in a huge Easter egg hunt, where each time must find eggs with Scripture hidden inside and decode the message for Easter morning. It's a great time to celebrate, study, and even enjoy a little healthy competition together on Easter morning.

- Easter Celebration Worship: 10:45 am: we're starting worship a little earlier than normal because it will be packed full of celebration and worship of our risen Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who has conquered death and sin! He is RISEN! He is RISEN indeed!



In April, we will conclude our Wednesday Night "Be" program for the spring. We have thoroughly enjoyed this experiment in inter-generational ministry! We have learned a lot about being the church together and how to BE the church in asking good faith questions with Kindergarten through J.O.Y. group members in one room! 

"BE" Program for April:
- April 2, we will finish up our last "Question at the Table" by discussing all of the questions about predestination and election (fun stuff!).
- April 9, we will make Palm Crosses together as we talk about the meaning of Holy Week together. This wou
ld be a GREAT activity for families to do together, but also a great activity to do with all of your church family!
- April 16, there are no Wednesday night activities because of the Maundy Thursday service the next day
- April 23, we will end our Wednesday night program with an INTER-GENERATIONAL CELEBRATION - A MEXICAN FIESTA with your favorite Wednesday night meal - a taco bar - and some fiesta-like fun (and even some spiritual time, too!).

Dinners for April: 

- April 2 - pizza, salad, dessert
- April 9 - lasagna, bread, salad, dessert
- April 23 - taco bar, dessert

KIDS' processional

Holy Week is just around the corner. On Sunday, April 13, we will celebrate Jesus' Palm Sunday triumphal entry into Jerusalem. The children and their families are invited to lead our palm procession at the beginning of the service. Palms will be provided. Meet Paulette and Olivia Austin at the fireplace at 10:30 am for guidance. Thank you for helping us to begin worship together on such a special week in the church. 

WOMEN of the church

The Women of the Church will hold its 7th Annual WOC Retreat on Saturday, April 26, 2014, from 8:30 am until 2:00 pm. The retreat will be held at the Rea Shed with lunch catered by Melanie Hatfield. Save the date; more information coming. 

VBS planning

VBS is coming...July 21-25! Our theme this year is "Rough Waves! Jesus Saves!" Please pass the word onto your friends and neighbors to register by June 30!! We need lots of help to pull off this annual event - planning team, snacks, arts supplies, group leaders, station leaders, etc. If you can help in any way, please contact Melissa Lancaster (704-364-1234; The Planning Team will meet on April 22 at 11:30 am in the church library. Join us if you can. 

JUMP for joy

The Preschool's annual fundraiser, Jump for Joy, is coming up on Saturday, April 26, from 10:00 am - 12:30 pm. There will be a raffle of items you may want a chance to win. Stop by and buy a ticket or two (or see a preschool family in church). Also, there will be a free carnival for young children to enjoy that morning, so tell all your friends and neighbors with little kids! Stop by and check it out!

SUMMER retreat

Bonclarken Summer RetreatFriday, August 1 – Sunday, August 3: We have 28 families already signed up, filling up Founder’s Hall. We can get additional rooms in the Heidelberg Hotel, but need to reserve these immediately to hold the additional rooms. Two years ago we had about 80 participants and last year we had 92 participants. This year we would love to break 100! Inforemation on deposits, pricing, and weekend activities is located on the Bonclarken Activity Board in the greeting area. If you have already signed up, please provide Chuck Jenkins with your Family Information Sheet so that final meal plans and statements can be completed. Down payments were due by the end of March, and final Payments are required by June 15. Please contact Chuck Jenkins for additional information. (803-396-2751 or 704-747-4730)

YOUTH ministry

Opportunities for Youth in April!!

Volunteer at Jump for Joy! 
Saturday, April 26th 10am - 12:30pm 
Sunday Night Youth Group
April 6, 13, 27
Church Anniversary Picnic
Sunday, April 27th 
Right after the worship service 
Maundy Thursday Service
7pm at GSPC
Journey to the Cross
Good Friday, 1-7pm

WEDDING shower

Please join us for a wedding shower on Sunday, April 6 from 2 - 4 pm, for Carmen Castanet, to celebrate her upcoming marriage to Michael Betts. For any of you who may not know, Carmen is Cathy Youngblood's daughter and grew up at Good Shepherd, but currently lives in Chapel Hill. She and her fiancee always come bless us with their voices when we do a capella music - Michael is the one who does the awesome vocal percussion! We can't wait to celebrate with them, pray for them, and send them off with a special Good Shepherd blessing. For gift ideas, Carmen is registered at Bed, Bath, and Beyond, Target, and  
Copyright © 2011
Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church, All rights reserved.

3307 Rea Road - Charlotte, NC 28226 - 704-364-1234 -