
April 27, 2014

Mission To Mexico 
P. O. Box 92351, Austin, Texas 78709-2351

February and April's mission trips were busy and fruitful.  Our MTM volunteers have continued to provide for the needs of our brothers and sisters with love and compassion.  We continue to see the the light of our Lord within our mission community in the colonia and at home.  Read below Kay Arnold's personal spiritual story from her experience of our February trip.  

Thank you  for your continued  financial support of MTM.  Our work in the colonia is only made possible with your help.  Please keep our families in the colonia in your prayers along with all MTM volunteers.

Amor y paz,

f you would like to join us on our June 13th and 14th mission trip please contact . 


Trip Reflection by Kay Arnold

On our February 7th and 8th Mission to Mexico trip, we worked hard and experienced bitter cold on the first day.  My consolation and my conundrum was that I could go home to a comfortable house at the end of the trip.  These good people would have to endure, bitter cold or stifling heat, whatever the weather brought.  Only by the grace of God have I been born into a comfortable place, plenty to eat, warm bed, car in my garage, monthly income to meet my needs, plus all the other gifts I take for granted.  MTM allows me to step back, appreciate all as gifts, and share what I can.  

I was blessed on this trip to have the company of my 15 year old grandson.  He has wanted to come with me ever since he and his younger brother stuffed backpacks at the Unity Church Of Austin on Hwy 290 several years ago.  Now he has a passport and was able to make the trip.  I trust his eyes were open to the great disparity between the haves and the have nots and the beauty of our brothers and sisters in the colonia.  We are all one.  

How fitting the readings for Mass on the Sunday morning of our return emphasized our call to be light to the world.  Isaiah said that if we share our bread with the hungry, shelter the homeless, clothe the naked, and not turn our back on our own, our light shall break forth like the dawn.  The Psalm reiterated the just man is a light in the darkness.  Then the gospel picked up the theme of light by encouraging us to let our light shine before others so that they might see our good deeds and give glory to God.  We know if we follow Jesus we will have the light of life and never walk in darkness.  

We are all one.  We give of our material possessions and effort.  Our brothers and sisters in the colonia give us their trust and confidence in a God who provides through our weakness and willingness to be there for them.

I am grateful for the opportunity to participate in Mission to Mexico with a team of dedicated people who want to live out the scriptures.

Love and Peace,
Kay Arnold

Sponsorship by Melanie Fannin

Spring and early summer are busy times for the Sponsorship Program.  Typically our April trip to the colonia is focused on organizing for our June and August uniform and school supply trips. This year, April saw us collecting grades that we traditionally collect in February.  But, due to the inclimate weather in February, most students were unable to get copies of their grade cards from the school.  Nevertheless, they came through like champions in April!  A mere handful of students failed to provide either grades or evidence of school enrollment.  

We have modified our purchasing for both the sponsorship uniforms and school supplies because of the difficulty in transporting large volumes of cargo across the border.  Claudia, our resident angel in Nuevo Laredo, is now purchasing both the uniform shirts and shoes in Mexico.  And, because she is in the "know", Claudia hopes to be able to arrange for the embroidery for the shirts this year.  We are excited at the possibility and pray we will be able to improve our uniforms with this option.  To that end, Claudia is busy rounding up sample shirts and shoes for June when we will be measuring the children for the August uniform distribution.  

We have already ordered and received delivery of the backpacks to be filled with school supplies in August.  Unfortunately, it is difficult to receive delivery of the actual school supplies until late July because the stores do not receive delivery of the supplies until mid to late July.  If anyone reading this has a contact with either HEB or Walmart, please let me know [] so that I may pursue the possibility of earlier delivery to aid in getting the supplies to the colonia in time for our August trip.  And, MTM can certainly use any financial support you are able to offer for our school supply distribution to over 1000 children!

Thank you for your support, both financial and spiritual,  for MTM's education programs.  As we observe the children's educational progress we are mindful they could not achieve their goals without your caring hearts.  God bless you!


Click on the link below to donate online or mail your check to the address below:
Mission To Mexico
P. O. Box 92351 
Austin, Texas  78709-2351  

