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Earth Day, every day

This Earth Day, do your part to protect the Amazon by
supporting the effort to save the Yasuní National Park
from destruction!

The Amazon rainforest provides us with 20% of our oxygen – that's 1 in every 5 breaths! Much of the world's rainfall is generated directly by the Amazon, and its vegetation continuously recycles carbon dioxide into oxygen. In a very real way, it serves as the heart pump of the Earth's climate and the lungs of our planet.

Ecuador's Yasuní National Park is the heart of the Amazon. It is one of the most biodiverse rainforests on the planet and home to Ecuador's last remaining indigenous peoples living in voluntary isolation. Underneath this global treasure, there's oil. For 7 years, the Ecuadorian government proposed to keep the oil in the ground, inspiring and encouraging the world that we can do better. Now they've changed their plan and are set to drill in the Yasuní.

In response, nearly 800,000 Ecuadorians signaled their support for a referendum to keep oil in the soil in Yasuní forever. Oil exploration there would be a disaster for the climate, the rainforest, and indigenous rights, and it would pave the way for drilling in 6.5 million acres of indigenous territory in the southern Ecuadorian Amazon.

As Yasunidos in Ecuador said last week, "NOW is the time to be vigilant for nature, our communities and our democracy." Please support this call to action to keep the oil in the ground under Yasuní.

For Earth Day, every day,

Branden Barber
Branden Barber
Director of Engagement

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