If you could write a letter to your 16-year-old-self, would it perhaps contain an entire paragraph dedicated to the importance of sunscreen and the absolute insignificance of having tanned skin?
If you suffer from hyperpigmentation, as most women do, the answer is probably a resounding ‘yes’. Altough no product or treatment can completely ‘cure’ this skin problem, there are various methods and cosmeceuticals that can improve the appearance of these dark spots. Read more about its causes and your options in this month’s newsletter.
“Out damn spot!” cried Shakespeare’s Lady Macbeth as she struggled to remove the stubborn spot on her hand. No matter how many times she washed, it returned. This reminds me of our continuous struggle to achieve a flawless complexion.
Pigmentation: types, causes, products and treatments
Hyperpigmentation is characterised by the darkening of an area on the skin. It is often caused by an increased number of melanocyte cells (pigment producing cells) and/or an increased amount of pigment called melanin, the brown pigment that produces normal skin colour.
Your first step is to have a Visia skin analysis at MASC Laser Clinic. It will show our therapists the type and depth of your pigmentation and the correct route to take.
""In December last year, a house-hold chemical splashed on my face by accident and caused pigmentation. After just one treatment of Dermapen, I can already see a major difference."
- Mounia Fouche (33) Mother of two boys
Arun Place
Building 6 Suite D
Sir Lowry's Pass Road
Somerset West
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