Why should you start an inbound marketing campaign?

Inbound marketing gets results

If you are not flooded with cash, it is probably time to create an inbound marketing campaign. Inbound marketing involves creating content and publishing it online in places where your ideal customers will find it..
When I say, ideal customers, I am not talking about the random 14 year old kid at Facebook who has too much free time. No no no. Rather, I am talking about the person who wants the products and services you offer and is willing to buy them from you. If you do not have an inbound marketing campaign already in production, you should probably hire someone you can hold accountable to get one working for you. I am linking to a menu of services.
This online menu does not include pricing. We're not the cheapest #inbound marketing company out there. We meet with you in person twice before...(for more, see http://yourseowizard.com/inbound-marketing-menu/).

Do not drink and drive EVER

A drunk driver is almost as distracted as a cell phone driver. Do not drink and drive. Do not text and drive.

What does he do?

Mark Anthony Germanos is your SEO Pro

Besides write newsletters

Inbound Marketing Certified by @Hubspot. I use WordPress websites, content marketing and web tools to help you get more business. If you have been running a business for more than two years and are not flooded with cash, you should probably contract out your marketing to someone you can hold accountable and who gets results. You already have enough on your mind. 

Here's a challenge for you: go to www.google.com and type the keywords you think your ideal customer would type if they were looking for your product or service. If you are saying “what is a keyword” or if you cannot find your business on the first two pages, you need help.

You can see my work in action at http://yourseowizard.com/seo-services/. How can I help you today? Call (916) 752-6767 to pump up your Internet marketing. 

Copyright © 2014 Mark Anthony Germanos, All rights reserved.

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