Predicting VMWare M&A targets. Medical devices and biotech lead healthcare VC deal volume in Q1. 

Extra, Extra.
Hi there,

The NY Times had a feature entitled "Despite Big Ambitions, NY's Tech Scene is Still Starting Up" which is worth a read.  It features CBI data which makes it even better.

But wait!  There's more.

In the last few days, some other interesting perspectives based on CBI data:
Now - on with the show.

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P.S.  We've been featured in 127 press articles this year.  If you've got 6.5 hours to kill, go read all of them.

Disney tried to buy Buzzfeed. You won't believe what happened next.

Disney tried to buy Buzzfeed but was rebuffed after being told the price tag would be over $1B. The news puts a renewed spotlight on the growth of digital news and media startups which saw YoY funding rise 117% last year. See financing trends to the space in the full brief.
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The next GrubHub? VC appetite for online and mobile delivery services hits five-year high

The latest entrants to the space are hedge funds Luxor Capital Group and Tiger Global Management with their investments into Delivery Hero and Caviar. With financing to food & grocery delivery startups hitting a 5-year high, will the funding growth continue?
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Healthcare IPOs boom but VC funding falls in Q1

While IPO activity caught fire, VC funding to the healthcare sector (medical devices, biotech, drug & pharma) dropped by 25% on a sequential basis. See the stages and industries that saw the most VC activity in the healthcare sector in Q1.
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Want to predict VMWare M&A targets? Look at Intel Capital's portfolio

The Business Social Graph reveals that Intel Capital has invested in 1/5th of VMWare's investments or acquisitions. Are there more Intel Capital-backed companies that might be next on VMWare's radar? See the full syndicate & network analysis.
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Visualizing Union Square Ventures' syndicate

We analyzed Union Square Ventures' investment syndicates to see whether Spark Capital, Index Ventures or SV Angel does the most deals with the firm.  See the full Business Social Graph.
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Insights on Venture Capital

Interesting articles by venture capitalists or about investing and M&A.
Five hard things that great VCs do. From closing 'A' players to delivering brutal feedback.
Corporate acquisitions of startups - why do they fail? Steve Blank on why the results of Silicon Valley acquisitions are often disappointing.
Tech stock correction? This has all happened before. In the wake of bubble chatter, Brad Feld takes a trip down memory lane.
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