Community Update
May 2014
Dear Neighbours,
Gilmore Park News
Thank you to all the neighbours who supported our Playground Relocation Project! The previous equipment from Gilmore Park and Jean Vanier School has been installed in the community of Santa Helena on the island of Roatan in Honduras. Your neighbours including the Greidanus Family and Christie & Cameron Spence travelled to Roatan for the build with the support of Rotary International and the Emmanuel Foundation. Click on this link to see a video of our incredible experience

One of the many highlights was using funds from our recent GPCL Silent Auction to sponsor these two boys to go to school for one year.
Mark your calendar!
Saturday, May 24 3:30-5:00pm - 5th Annual Pitch-In Clean-up of Gilmore Park please join us! You bring gloves and we will bring the bags.

Neighbour Christie picking up garbage in Gilmore Park & in Honduras!
Wednesday, June 18 at 7pm - Gilmore Park Annual General Meeting Location TBD
Park construction update: This month you should see County crews relocating a few trees within the park on the east side to make room for the new asphalt pathway. No trees will be harmed or removed during this process.

Strathcona County News
There is a FREE, FAMILY FOCUSED event taking place just 10 minutes from Gilmore Park, at Fultonvale, on Sunday, May 25th called the Horse Showcase. The event is geared to families with youngsters interested in horses. This year they are having a “Behind the Scenes” clinic for kids age 4.5 and up where they can learn all about horses and even have their first ride. The clinic runs from 10 am to 11 am and is free to participate they just need the kids to pre-register so they ensure they have enough volunteers on hand.
An event poster will be posted on the Gilmore Park facebook page for more information. Hope to see you out on May 25th FOR THE LOVE OF THE HORSE!
Take the Happiness Challenge!
Contrary to general opinion, happiness has less to do with money and possessions and has more to do with our actions and relationships with other people. Take this six week challenge – try some simple actions that just may change the way you approach life.
All the best,
Tammy Greidanus
GPCL President