Check out our latest news as we serve pastors and church leaders in Thiès, Senegal.
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On the Shoulders of Giants
Visit from Professor Walt Baker

Crossworld was a part of Dan's life from a young age.  John Beerley, CW's former Canadian Director, was a close family friend and later pastored Dan's home church (and went on to marry us!).  John's grown children and their families also served with CW, so Ginger and Dave Muchmore and Jim and Mary Beerley also played a significant role in shaping Dan's young life.  In seminary, he was mentored by missions professor Walt Baker, also with CW.  Is it any wonder the Lord directed Dan to serve with this wonderful organization?

A common thread in all of these relationships has been a passion for making disciples.  Dr. Baker was so committed to discipleship that he allowed it to "get in the way" of his writing career.  Have you heard of Walt Baker?  Have you bought one of his books?  I didn't think so.  But that's okay.  Walt's model was the apostle Paul. "As far as I know, he only wrote a few letters, but he said if you want to read my epistles, they're written on the fleshly tablets of human hearts."  Praise the Lord for mentors like these who have helped make us who we are today.  May the Lord direct us as we continue to pour into the lives of pastors and leaders in Senegal!

"I Do Nothing"
Making Disciples in our Home

Since becoming a mom, I've had to come to terms with this season in life during which my primary ministry is to my husband and daughters.  When asked what I do as a missionary, it's all too easy to reply, "I do nothing."  Cooking, canning, reading the Chronicles of Narnia (in Spanish, no less) and changing diapers just doesn't sound all that cool (Okay, maybe Narnia does!).  But this past Sunday, we had the joy of leading Isabella in a prayer of faith and repentance.  She had professed to be a follower of Jesus for quite some time, but had never confessed with her mouth that Jesus was her Lord.  When we asked her on Sunday if she wanted to, she said yes, and got on her knees with me as I led her in prayer (and daddy got it on camera).

This momentous occasion not only filled our hearts with joy as we celebrated our daughter becoming our sister, but it also reminded me of the inestimable worth of the "nothing" I do.  The world may scoff at it.  The flesh may balk at it.  The enemy may cringe at it.  But the Lord is pleased, and I derive great comfort and peace from knowing He approves of my decision to stay home and make disciples, one blue-eyed little cutie at a time.  Thanks for supporting us as we make disciples, inside and outside our home. :)

We Made It!
How We Reached 100% Support

It was quite simple, actually.  We got a call from the home office explaining that our calculations were off.  We'd been estimating our support levels based on pledged monthly supporters.  We didn't take into account that one-time gifts also should be included, and once we totaled these and divided by twelve, we arrived at a monthly support level that covers our needs completely.  Thank You, Lord!  And thank you, friends, for hanging in there with us on this journey to the nations.
Isabella and Mama with matching workout clothes. :)
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