Sunday morning, we heard a sermon on a prayer of Jehoshaphat. As King of Israel, Jehoshaphat was faced with an impossible situation. What was his reaction? "Then Jehoshaphat was afraid and set his face to seek the Lord/begged the Lord for guidance...
He prayed: 'We are powerless against this mighty army... We do not know what to do, but we are looking to you for help/our eyes are on you.'" (2 Chronicles 20:3,12)
In troubling situations, do I first post my problems on Facebook or do I pray first? When discouraged and confused about something, do I ask the Lord to give me the answer, or do I google it? Hmm.
In the sermon, we also read the New Testament passage that says: “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for….For everyone who asks, receives. - Parts of Matthew 7:7-8
I can hear God inviting me to pray and ask Him to provide. How dare I doubt his faithfulness? He will come through. He always has before. Yes, it is daunting. Yes, now that I am leading a team, I feel more burdened than I would if it was just myself. The financial numbers needed for 8 people traveling to S. Asia are enormous. The logistics are in multiple languages, and the idea that I could plan every detail is ridiculous.
But my God is amazing, and He can be trusted. "The one who has called me is faithful, He will make it happen." - 1 Thessalonians 5:24
The participants on the S. Asia team need to have 1/2 of their financial support in this week, and most are pretty far away from it. Thank you for joining me in prayer this week. Ask the Lord on their behalf to show His faithfulness through the generosity of their family and friends.