Stand on the Shoulders of SunWiz
Like many of you, SunWiz has already spent more much time and money on the RET Review that I wish. SunWiz has already met twice with the RET Review Panel and has spent hours in conversation with solar industry members over the past weeks and months discussing the RET Review. We see this as part of our commitment to industry leadership, and an unavoidable part of our involvement with the CEC's PV Leadership Committee and as the Chair of the Domestic PV Directorate. We have flown to Melbourne and Sydney three times in the last eight days, for example, and have s
pent over forty-three hours writing our 35-page submission. Like many small businesses, involvement in pro-bono work has expended time and money that would otherwise have been utilised in profit-making activities.
In this light, we've decided to make it easier (and cheaper) for others to make a RET Review submission that draws upon our content.
So, if you would like to make use of SunWiz's RET Review, please email us and we will send it to you.
Here's an outline of our submission:
- Increased renewables are desirable.
- The RET is the best way of delivering increased amounts of renewable energy
- The RET is achievable
- High proportions of Renewables are possible
- Externalities exist within the existing system that must be considered and accounted for
- There are further benefits of distributed generation that make it particularly worthwhile
- The RET is still needed
- There would be unintended consequences of reducing the RET
- Adjusting the RET is unwise due to future uncertainty.
If you would like to make use of SunWiz's RET Review, please email us and we will send it to you.