KOTESOL News, June 2014
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June 2014

In this issue

2014 National Conference a Success

The 2014 National Conference in Daegu was a huge success! Held at Kyungpook National University on May 31, the conference welcomed more than 200 attendees and included over 50 presentations. More information and a selection of photos are available online.
Photos online and below courtesy of Jeroen Root.

FedEx Day Accomplishments

KOTESOL's first FedEx Day, coordinated by National President Peadar Callaghan on June 6, 2014, resulted in forward momentum and major strides taken in a variety of projects, including the following:
  • A database of presentations; a list of 220 presentations at chapters nationwide over the past three years, to be updated with future outstanding presentations and used as a resource for chapter presidents (David Shaffer with support from Rob Dickey)
  • Confirming technological viability and specifics related to KOTESOL's upcoming online professional development program (Peadar Callaghan)
  • Ongoing surveys (links below) requesting member suggestions and perspectives on the creation of a KOTESOL Yearbook and an update to the KOTESOL Handbook (Akli Hadid)
  • A draft of a letter introducing KOTESOL to various embassies in Korea (Patrick King)
Thanks and congratulations to all who participated!

TEC Seeks Editor-in-Chief, Senior Editor

Are you interested in KOTESOL publishing? TEC (The English Connection) is seeking individuals to fill the position of editor-in-chief and/or senior editor. The head position requires skill at recruiting authors and articles for publication, as well as coordinating editing and possibly layout. Express your interest to the Publications Committee Chair, David Shaffer, at

Distribution of Membership Cards Is Underway

The distribution of membership cards has officially started! Lifetime members and members with a 2015 expiration date were able to pick up their cards at the National Conference. If you didn't attend the conference but do meet those criteria, your card will be given to your chapter president. If you're unable to attend a chapter meeting before the International Conference (IC) in October, you can ask your chapter president to bring your card to the IC. International lifetime members, please confirm your mailing address in your online profile; we'll mail the card to you later this summer.

The next round of cards will be distributed at the IC. If your membership expires in 2014, and you'd like to receive a membership card at the IC, please be sure to join or renew before the conference pre-registration closes in September. 

New KOTESOL Branded Items Debut

Two new KOTESOL branded items debuted at the National Conference last month: mini notebook/pen sets and new ceramic mugs! The notebook/pen sets and mugs can be purchased online or at conferences for 3,000 won each.

"Countdown to Conference" Trivia Challenge

The 2014 International Conference is less than four months away! To celebrate, we have a trivia question for you:

When was the first KOTESOL conference (full date)?
(Hint: The conference book is shown below, and this information appeared in a past issue of TEC News!)

The first five members who email us with the correct answer will win their choice of the new branded items shown above. (Only winners will be contacted, and you must have a current membership to play!)

Goodies for Grassroots Promotion

Are you giving a presentation in a non-KOTESOL venue? Would you like some KOTESOL goodies to hand out to your audience? The Membership Committee would love to send you some KOTESOL pens! To request some, just tell us about your event here.

KOTESOL Merchandise

Display your KOTESOL affiliation with pride! KOTESOL merchandise is now available for purchase online. Domestic shipping is free for members, 5,000 won for non-members. 
Got a question about KOTESOL? Check our list of Frequently Asked Questions; if that doesn't answer your question, contact us!
Upcoming Events
At a Glance

June 14
Busan-Gyeongnam Chapter Workshop

Daegu-Gyeongbuk Chapter Workshop

Gwangju-Jeonnam Chapter Workshop & Reflective Practice SIG Meeting

Jeonju-North Jeolla Chapter Workshop

Yongin Chapter Workshop & Barbecue

June 15
National Council Meeting

June 21
Daejeon-Chungcheong Chapter Picnic

Jeju Chapter Workshop

July 12
Gwangju-Jeonnam Workshop & Reflective Practice SIG Meeting

October 3-5
International Conference (IC)
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