KOTESOL's first FedEx Day, coordinated by National President Peadar Callaghan on June 6, 2014, resulted in forward momentum and major strides taken in a variety of projects, including the following:
- A database of presentations; a list of 220 presentations at chapters nationwide over the past three years, to be updated with future outstanding presentations and used as a resource for chapter presidents (David Shaffer with support from Rob Dickey)
- Confirming technological viability and specifics related to KOTESOL's upcoming online professional development program (Peadar Callaghan)
- Ongoing surveys (links below) requesting member suggestions and perspectives on the creation of a KOTESOL Yearbook and an update to the KOTESOL Handbook (Akli Hadid)
- A draft of a letter introducing KOTESOL to various embassies in Korea (Patrick King)
Thanks and congratulations to all who participated!