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The National Blue Ribbon Schools Program
The National Blue Ribbon Schools Program honors exemplary public and private American schools. Learn more about great American schools.

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We Heart Teachers

As the school year draws to a close and students move on, they will away memories of the teachers who inspired them. Here are a couple of those memories. Jeffrey Charbonneau, 2013 National Teacher of the Year, spoke at the 2013 National Blue Ribbon Schools ceremony. Listen to Jeff's witty and engaging stories of a hard-headed elementary school teacher and a college science teacher who shaped him. Then read  an article about Kaya Henderson, Chancellor of Washington, DC Public Schools, and the teacher who helped her believe in herself.  As always, we welcome your stories.

While you're on the site, check out these videos created by students at two  National Blue Ribbon Schools. 


2014 NBRS Express c/o RMC Research Corp.
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The National Blue Ribbon Schools
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