Learn how you can use the DMPTool to create effective data management plans. Researchers now have access to three industrial statistics databases from UNIDO.
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June 2014

Are you writing a grant proposal? Most Federal and many private funding agencies now require a Data Management Plan as part of the proposal. We can help with that! We'll walk you through the components of a DMP for your sponsoring agency and help you identify resources you can use in your DMP. Additionally, we've partnered with several research institutions to develop an online application that helps researchers create effective data management plans—the DMPTool.

With the DMPTool, you can create ready-to-use data management plans for specific funding agencies, get step-by-step instructions and guidance for your data management plan as you build it, and learn about resources and services available at U.Va. to help fulfill the data management requirements of your grant. A new version of the DMPTool with added features and functionality was released last week!

To learn more about the DMPTool and how we can assist you, visit our webpage.

UNIDO Industrial Statistics

We now have access to three statistical databases from the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). These databases contain statistics on major indicators of industrial performance:
  • INDSTAT4 - covers seven principle indicators of industrial statistics by country at the 4-digit level of ISIC from 1990-2010
  • INDSTAT2 - covers seven principle indicators of industrial statistics by country at the 2-digit level of ISIC from 1963-2010
  • IDSB - contains statistics on domestic output, imports, exports, and apparent consumption by country at the 4-digit level of ISIC from 1990-2010 
U.Va. faculty, staff, and students can download the UNIDO databases and install the software on a Windows computer. If you need assistance, please contact
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