Community Update
June 2014
Dear Neighbours,
Gilmore Park News
Interested in having an event or party in Gilmore Park? Many neighbours have inquired if the park can be booked for birthday parties etc. The Recreation Parks and Culture Department has informed us that the gazebo and playground area is not a bookable space. If you want to have a party in the park a good idea would be to post the date and time on the community bulletin board. This doesn't mean that other people can not use the space at that time, but others will hopefully be courteous to clear the space for the party guests.
If you are planning an event that will impact the soccer field or access to the soccer field then you do need to book it through facility booking staff. You can book either by emailing or by calling 780-416-2211.
Wednesday, June 18 at 7pm - Gilmore Park Annual General Meeting
Location Nitza's Pizza on Graham Road
Agenda Topics: Financial Report, Year in Review, Upcoming Events & Election of Directors
The Gilmore Park Community League is seeking volunteer board members for 2014/2015. The GPCL Board of Directors meet quarterly and aim to host 2 events per year. If you are interested in socializing and collaborating to keep your neighbourhood vibrant and safe please consider joining our fun group by emailing

Thank you to all the neighbours including Mayor Carr and Councillor Anderson for pitching in last Saturday to clean-up Gilmore Park. This was the 5th year we held a clean-up event and each year we have more volunteers and less garbage. Please help us keep our community park litter free!

Mark your calendar
Pathway Party - Sunday, August 31 from 1:00-5:00pm
including a bike parade and entertainment by:

The Gilmore Park Community League received priority funding for this event and expect it to be our biggest celebration to date. Please plan to join us - more details to be discussed at our upcoming AGM. Pathway construction is expected for start in June.
Strathcona County News
Seniors Week Celebration
Strathcona County seniors are invited to join us for a Senior's Week Celebration at the Strathcona County, Community Centre Agora on June 5, 2014 from 9:30 - 11:30 am.
Click here for more information
Gilmore Park Community League