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Published often and occasionally by the campers and staff of Camp Trinity on the Bar 717 Ranch in the interest of news, fun, and ... Good Camping!

Vol 1  |  Spring 2014  |  No. 3

Dear Campers, Parents, Staff, Alumni, and Friends,

Lupine in the Meadow

For so many months the Ranch is a quiet place.  Take a walk down Barn Hill, and often the loudest sound you’ll hear is the wind blowing through the trees.  But each June, the Ranch springs back to life, almost overnight, as staff and campers assemble to become the Camp Trinity community.  We love that time of year, and we are looking forward to seeing many of you at the Ranch this summer.

The start of Camp is barely a month away, and there are many signs that summer is just around the corner.  Gardens are being planted, lawns are being mowed, and buildings and water systems are being opened up and unpacked after a long winter closure.  In the Small Animals barn, new piglets and chicks have moved in, soon to be joined by a new batch of young goats. 

In April, we welcomed the help of campers, alumni, and camp families who joined us at the Ranch for our first Volunteer Work Weekend in a number of years.  In the spirit of Camp, much work was done, and we had fun while doing it.  Thanks to everyone who came and lent a hand to make the Ranch a better place for all. 

Whether you are a camper, a Camp Alum, or the parent of a current camper, there are many ways to participate in the Camp Trinity community. Family Camp, Music Camp, Alumni Weekend and Volunteer Work Weekends are open to everyone—or you can have the whole Ranch to yourself anytime from September through May for a family reunion, weekend with friends or family, or even a wedding. As Grover always said, “the latch string is always out”.  In 2015, we’ll celebrate our 85th year of camping on the Bar 717 Ranch.  Whether it’s this year or in the future, we hope we’ll see you at the Ranch. 

Kent Collard, Director

Did You Know ... ?

Horses on the Range

...that Sam, Emma, and Mike finished planting 5000 Fir and Pine seedlings on the Ranch? Most of the trees planted were to reforest areas of the Ranch that were burned in the 2008 fires.

...that all the cows crossed the river and are grazing happily on the tall, green grass at the Bar 7?

...that we are Oh-So-Close to reaching our goal of raising $40,000 for our Campership Fund? Thanks to the generosity of many Camp alumni and families, combined with the dedication of the Campership Committee of the Bar 717 Ranch Advisory Board, we have been able to fulfill more then 25 requests for Campership funding.

...that a Fire Science class from Humbolt State University visited the Ranch for two days in February to study those areas of the Ranch we burned using prescribed fire last fall?

...that a big batch of piglets and chicks have moved into the Small Animals barn and are awaiting the arrival of campers this summer? One of the new piglets developed a hernia, but his surgery was successful and he is recovering well!

...that the new bell tower is up? We are reconstructing the old cupola and will set it atop the new tower before summer.

...that we’ve hired a GREAT Staff who are excited to get to the Ranch in June? Many of them will be arriving two weeks before Camp to psrticipate in Lifeguard Training and Wilderness First Aid before Orientation Week.

...that Bear will no longer be the only Camp dog? Beadie (2 years old) and Xochitl (9 weeks) will also be Ranch residents this summer.

Summer Staff!

Summer Staff!

We are excited to welcome a fantastic counseling staff this summer.  Our staff hails from across the world -- from Redding to New Orleans and across the ocean to Australia and the UK. They have experience in everything from horseback riding to furniture building. What do they all have in common? They are all excited to meet all of the campers who will be arriving at camp in just a few short weeks. 

Meet the 2014 summer staff here.

Pie Auction, 2014

by Arly Cassidy

Each year when March rolls around, some of us start thinking about pie. The Hyampom Pie Auction has been an annual fundraiser for the town’s Community Center for years, and a group of former camp counselors has been taking part since 2008.
Read More ...

Bar 717 Ranch Work Weekend Review

Ranch WorkFrom April 4th-7th we welcomed an enthusiastic bunch of campers, families, alumni and friends to the ranch for a volunteer work weekend.

Thank you to everyone who lent a hand! We were able to get all kinds of projects done that will help make camp better for this summer and many more to come. Check out the crew and some of their handiwork on our Facebook page.

Music Camp Registration Open!

Music CampWe're excited to announce that registration is now open for our first-ever Music Camp at the Bar 717 Ranch! Music Camp is open to musicians of all ages who want to spend time learning instruments and playing music in the mountains.

Music camp will be held this August 17-21st, and will combine lessons from professionals, music making, and ranch exploration. Find more information on Music Camp and register here.


by YOU!

Did you like this issue of Campservations? Let us know! If you have ideas about how to make it better or what you'd like to see in coming issues, let us know those too. Most importantly, if you want to pitch in and contribute news, a story, a picture, a poem, we'd love these most of all. You can contribute here.

The Bar 717 Ranch

Mountain Ranch living for children ages 8-16
Established 1930
phone: (530) 628-5992
Copyright © 2014 Bar 717 Ranch, All rights reserved.

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