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Strata Information

Welcome to our latest newsletter full of strata title information from around Australia.

We have been very busy over the past few weeks contacting everyone about their listings on the Australian Strata Services Directory. If you have not received an email yet, you can still claim your FREE listing! Can't find your listing? Let me know & I will be in contact. Let us help people find your business.

In this edition of the newsletter - we examine the role of the Strata Manager, work health and safety regulations, common property boundaries & Property Occupations Act - plus lots of other strata topics!
Strata Cleaners

How Strata Managers Effectively Control Strata Schemes

Lisa Rutland

I’ve seen two pieces of content recently, both from respected professionals in the strata industry, both saying the same thing: The strata world is changing, and it’s changing by devolving management into the hands of the lot owners......
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Strata Cleaners

Work Health Safety obligations for Residential Owners

QIA Group Pty Ltd 
Under Section 7 of the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011, a strata title body corporate responsible for any common areas used only for residential purposes is excluded from the definition of a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU).
Home owners of residential houses are not PCBUs for the purpo....
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Lot Property

NSW: What Do I Own and What is Common Property?

David Bannerman and Sven Bjerkhamn
Bannermans Lawyers

For any lot owner and for an owners corporation, the really important question of who owns what needs to be established as the answer will dictate how a strata scheme is correctly managed and who is responsible for what parts of a strata scheme.....
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Muilt-unit development

NSW: Home Building Regulations

Michael Pobi
Pobi Lawyers

In NSW Parliament on 7 May 2014, the following question was directed to the Minister for Fair Trading, the Hon Matthew Mason-Cox:
“What action is the Government taking to improve the regulation of home building?”
The following is a brief summary of some of the “as quoted” comments made by the Minister for Fair T....

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Property Ocuppations Act

QLD: What else can you use the Property Occupations Act for?

Frank Higginson,
Hynes Legal

The Property Occupations Bill was passed by State Parliament yesterday. It now needs to be assented to by the Governor (for all of the republicans out there we still need to go through supposedly regal approval of any legislation), and then it will commence on a date yet to be fixed.
We previously wrote about what the Property Occupations Act (‘the Act’) means for m....
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NSW: Council orders and by-laws

Michael Pobi
Pobi Lawyers

The Owners – Strata Plan No 47561 v Nowland [2014] NSWSC 483.
The owners corporation sought orders compelling a lot owner to remove unauthorised structures from rooftop area of common property. By an amended summons the owners corporation sought access to Exclusive Use Area attached to lot so it could carry out work it contended was subject of orde ....
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NSW: For Your Eyes Only - Owners Corporation Records and Legal Professional Privilege

David Bannerman and Mark Pollinger
Bannermans Lawyers

A strata managing agent acting for an owners corporations involved in a legal proceedings usually holds sensitive documents relating to the proceedings. Other parties in those proceedings may wish to access those records. One of those parties or an associate may own a lot in the scheme and assert a right to inspect such records under se....
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FactSheet: Strata Insurance

Have you seen our FactSheet: Strata Insurance page?

It is contains all of the latest news about Strata Insurance, including the latest about the strata insurance crisis in North Queensland. There are also useful links to pages concerning Strata Insurance.

Have a look at all of our great FactSheets HERE.
Visit the Strata Insurance FactSheet

Breaking News

Our latest popular Tweets & Facebook posts:

Gross area: Why off-the-plan units don’t always measure up

Managing building defects

Seven questions every off the plan buyer should be asking

Warning bells on super property sales

Body corporate guerrilla gardening

10 Easy Hacks to Make Your Apartment More Energy Efficient

Cheapest regional suburbs for units uncovered

Let's Put it to a Vote

NSWThe bullet or the gun?

Corrupt influence backdrop ought stall overly generous NSW strata and planning initiatives

SA: Developers of Baju Apartments could be forced to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to fix groundwater problem

VIC: The inner Melbourne “boom” is toxic growth
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Strata Events Calendar

May 20
SCA (WA): The Essentials of Strata Company Council Membership (Stirling)

NSW City of Syndey: Strata Skills 101: Holding Back the Levy

May 21
SCA (WA): A Strata Management Perspective of TPG's FTTB

May 27
SCA (NSW): A Strata Management Perspective of TPG's FTTB

SCA (NSW): A Strata Management Perspective of TPG's FTTB
Sustainable Residential Tower set to Commence after Two Week Sell-Out - See more at:
Visit our Strata Events Page
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