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Piranha Bites!
Here is the newsletter from Piranha Triathlon Club. Lots of events - sport and social coming up! This newsletter features the most recent stories on the website, but don't forget to check out the discussion board at

Still feel like you are not getting the most up to date news from Piranha? Why not follow @Piranhatri on twitter or join the Piranha Facebook page!

Next Dig Deep training day

Date: Sunday 18th May
Time: 9:15am
Location: Phoenix Park

Brick session - be prepared for jelly legs! 
More information on what's involved here.

Piranhas on the Podium


Congratulations to everyone who has already started their racing season. There's been some amazing results and PB's posted already. Special congrats to all those who completed the half ironman in Mallorca on the 10th of May in what looked like very hot conditions. You did us proud! Looking forward to reading the race reports. 

Some of the podium placers so far this year include:

Will Owens - 2nd Narraghmore Duathlon
Aileen Flynn - 8th overall and 1st in AG Ironman Mallorca 70.3
Jennifer Duffy - 10th overall Ironman Mallorca 70.3


Please sign up for the club night out, or the weekends away asap if you're planning on attending. Final numbers and bookings need to be made. You can reserve your place here: 

21st June- Club champs night out post "Hook or by Crook". Subsidized meal in Odessa €20 a head.

Kinsale Weekend away: 25th-27th of July for King of the hill Triathlon. Accommodation for Kinsale is €140 B&B per person sharing for the two nights.    We have also booked a BBQ in Kinsale for €25 per person.    We have 20 rooms reserved - so plenty of space of athletes and friends.

Belmullet Weekend away: 12th-14th of September for Blacksod triathlon. Accommodation for Belmullet is €140 B&B & 1 Dinner per person sharing for 2 nights.    We have 10 rooms reserved.

New to triathlon programme

Well done to all those who attended and competed in the Transition Practice and Triathlon Rules on April 26th, & the Mini Triathlon at the West Wood on April 27th.

The race was completed over a total distance of Swim: 250m, Bike: 8.4k, Run: 3.2k

- For full results please click here: 

Hopefully you're all hooked by and now, looking forward to seeing you all out at the races this year. 


I'm always looking for photos of piranhas in actions, please send any you have to me at

Race Reports
Thank you to everyone who has submitted a race report so far this season. I'm always looking for moreso if you'd like to exercise your writing skills please send it to And it doesn't have to be confined to triathlon, aquathons or duathlons are also gratefully accepted. 

If you're new to the club and don't know what a race report is then it's really very simple. It can be as long or as short as you want with as little or as much detail about the race as you want, funny or serious or a mixture of the two. Clear as mud? Well then the have a read past reports here to give you an idea. 

Dublin City Triathlon
Is now open!! Please note that the entries for the Olympic race are filling up very quickly.

Please put the word out there to all our friends in other clubs to enter early to avoid disappointment 

You can enter here:

John Davis Run

The annual John Davis Run will now take place this year in October and will co-incide with the AGM. 

Please note that this is one of two dates that you MUST BE AVAILABLE to either enter or volunteer at if you are a member of PTC. (The other being DCT)

To read more about the John Davis Run, please click here.

Contact Us 

Please send on race reports, photos, suggestions or feedback. 

Thank you for reading!

In this issue!

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