Newsletter: May 2014   
Photograph taken at the Evidence and Well-being event, March 2014- see below for more details.
Lessons from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) for social policy and practice - a critical assessment

What can we learn from NICE’s approach to evidence?  It’s a model that has inspired the What Works centres and has received global interest, but there are insufficient understanding surrounding the workings of this organisation.  This roundtable critically assessed the ‘NICE model’ and its applicability to policy-making in non-health areas. A joint paper will be written later this year which will draw on discussions at the roundtable.

If you are interested in receiving more information on the outcomes of this discussion please email The Alliance for Useful Evidence

What role for evidence in the BIG Lottery Fund's new strategy?

Give your thoughts on the Fund’s future direction through their consultation Your Voice Our Vision.  

The importance of useful evidence underpins everything the Fund does, according to a guest blog by their head of strategy Tom Guiney. They want to hear from Alliance members on your ideas for how they can maximize the benefit from the scale, scope and reach of their funding.  How can they use their funding to understand ‘what works’ and share that learning with others?  How can they make evidence available to others through open data initiatives and share best practice with policy-makers and practitioners?

Thomas Guiney is Head of Strategic Policy at the Big Lottery Fund. Tom is helping to co-ordinate the Your Voice Our Vision strategic framework consultation and manages the Fund’s investment in the Alliance for Useful Evidence. 
Party Conference Fringe Events

Please let us know if you are attending the autumn conferences this year. The Alliance for Useful Evidence will be attending the Conservative, Liberal Democrat and Labour Conference Fringe Events in Birmingham, Glasgow, and Manchester.  We are conscious that many other Alliance members attend as delegates, speakers or event organisers and we would be delighted to join up with you there.  We have also been contacted by members from Plaid Cymru and SNP about attending their events.

Videos on evidence and well-being

Watch the speeches for Alliance conference on 31 of March that examined the potential of a 'What Works Centre for Well-being', including key speakers; Lord Gus O'Donnell, Chair of Frontier Economics, former Head of the Civil Service and Cabinet Secretary between 2005 and 2011, David Halpern, What Works National Adviser, Cabinet Office and Ian Morris, Teacher and Head of PHSE and Wellbeing, Wellington College.

This conference explored how this Centre could be most useful, for decision-makers and frontline practitioners.

Have your say by taking part in our
 Well-being Survey

Behavioural Insights Team: Nesta's new partnership 

The Cabinet Office and Nesta announced a new partnership that will take the Behavioural Insights Team – the nudge unit – out of government. The government launched a search for partners last summer, and Nesta decided to respond – partly excited by the potential for behavioural tools to make better policy, and partly because of the very obvious synergies with Nesta’s work.  

Geoff Mulgan, Chief Executive at Nesta, wrote a blog explaining the partnership.
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