I won't tell if you won't tell.

Self-care isn't just for teachers.
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Dear Friend,


I am an avid reader and often I’m asked what’s on my nightstand, my library hold list and my kindle. Because let’s be honest, I’ve always got multiple books going at once.


Here’s a sneak peek at what I’m reading:


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Basically a user’s manual for the human female body. I just started this, but am already impressed. Diaz encourages women to get to know their bodies and to tap into how they are FEELING rather than how they look.


Part One covers nutrition with a focus on whole unprocessed foods cooked at home and drinking lots of water. Sounds a lot like what everyone’s mom said growing up and they were right!


Part Two is all about fitness with a focus on movement. Using your body in the way that was intended - exercise and weight training and SLEEP (my favorite).


Part Three is all about the mind. Creating new patterns of thing about food, exercise and planning for nutrition and exercise.


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I first heard about Kristin Neff’s work through Brene Brown and thought if Brene thinks this work is life-changing, so will I.


I was right! When I read it I thought, “Oh, it’s all so simple and straightforward - easy breezy!”


Then I tried putting all three pieces into action and quickly learned this self-compassion business is a moment by moment every day practice.


The three pieces of self-compassion are:


1. Self-kindness.


Pretty self-explanatory and WHOA! Harder than I ever imagined. A serious work in progress.


2. Common humanity


Neff says everyone suffers. No one is perfect. There is no perfect. We are all flawed.


I find this way easier because compassion for others has been something I’ve been trying to practice for years.


3.  Mindfulness


Neff defines mindfulness as seeing clearly and accepting what is happening in the present without judgment.


This is where my yoga and meditation practice really get a workout. Again, so much harder than it sounds. For me, I am usually noticing patterns after the fact. Someday I hope to see in the moment. Always a practice.


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Sacramento yoga teacher, Cori Martinez wrote this little gem. I found myself unexpectedly laughing and shaking my head in agreement while reading this on a plane.


Cori’s honest account of her younger days and life in Hawaii have made me want to read more from her.


That’s what I’m reading these days.


I’d love to hear from you. Hit reply and tell me what’s on your nightstand? What can’t you wait to read or what is the book you recommend to everyone?


With lots of love and compassion,



PS - If you find this helpful or know someone who would, please be sure to pass it on. Sharing is caring!

The Healthy Happy Sane Teacher Home Study Program is on its way! It's not just for teachers...
A special Mother's Day edition of The Art of Restoration is on for this Sunday at 4:30 at It's All Yoga. Please register early to save yourself a bolster.  Bring your mom! Or your mom friends!

Have you heard of the It's All Yoga Road Trip?

For the next two weeks, visit our three "destinations" (types of classes — Flow, Grounding and Restorative), get your Road Trip card marked off and you'll be entered to win a home practice yoga video.

So why might you go to each type of class?

To build strength, stamina and flexibility, increase your breath capacity and control, take your body through full, fluid ranges of motion and loosen any place you feel "stuck" in your body or life.

To increase strength and flexibility, fine-tune alignment and pose subtlety, slow down and tap into a sense of landing and acceptance.

To allow the nervous system to rest and reset, tune into the deeply meditative quality of each moment, counterbalance the harried pace and intensity of our culture and ultimately increase your strength and flexibility by taking the body off guard.

It's easy to stay with one type of practice, but it's important to vary what we do in the body and balance activity and rest.
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