Writing Code. Fighting Poverty. Silicon Valley Gives Back through the Mifos Initiative. Join us in the launch of the Mifos Initiative on June 11 at 630pm hosted by Pivotal Labs. 
Mifos Initiative Launch at Pivotal Labs - June 11


Writing Code. Fighting Poverty.
Silicon Valley Gives Back through the Mifos Initiative

We're excited to unveil the Mifos Initiative and launch the new Mifos X platform to bring financial services to the nearly 3 billion poor and unbanked worldwide -- which is proven to be the single most effective means to end poverty. Mifos X is supported by an incredible community built and guided by leaders of Silicon Valley. Using open technology, cloud computing, and mobile, we are radically transforming the war on global poverty with a goal of complete elimination.

Discover how you can be part of our global open source community. Join us for an evening of uplifting talks, eye-opening demos, beer, wine, and a sampling of international cuisine.
  • Join our global movement. Become part of our local Mifos chapter
  • Learn the many ways you can volunteer - coding, documentation, marketing, fundraising - we need you!
Hosted by Paul Maritz, CEO of Pivotal and Chairman of the Mifos Initiative
One Community. One Platform. Collectively Creating a World of 3 Billion Maries.
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