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“Mom, You’re Awesome!”
You can imagine the love and joy that began swelling up in my heart when my son announced that to me on the drive home from school one day.  Of course this statement, which came seemingly out of nowhere, also made me just a little curious.
“Thank you honey.  Can I ask you why I’m awesome?”
“You have snacks in your purse.”
Yes, there it is.  Snacks.  They do say that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.  And I’m thinking that might go double for children, especially boys.  The fact that I had just pulled 2 granola bars and a fruit strip from my rather diminutive purse had obviously impressed my four sons.

Wouldn’t it be nice if we were that easily impressed by God?  Oh sure, we’re reminded to count our blessings.  We can recite a whole list of things God provides us with when we are trying to teach our discontented children how much they truly have when they’re longing after that new bike or video game system.  But I had to ask myself, “Am I really that impressed?”  When I say, “God, you’re awesome!” what am I basing that on?

God is truly awesome.  I know.  The creation around me declares his glory and his majesty.  I’m surrounded by mountains that tower and fields of flowers that pop with brilliant colors.  I marvel.  Our lives are filled with a wide variety of foods, possessions, and activities that make life enjoyable.  I appreciate.  He created a complexity in living things and a diverse population of human beings in his image that is truly amazing.  I am astounded.  He sent His son to reunite us with Himself and bring us into an eternal relationship with Him.  I am unworthy and overcome with gratitude.
These are some pretty grand gestures.  They are amazing and astounding.  And I could definitely see these things as being the work of a god. 

But I think what truly impresses me the most about Him is what makes our heavenly Father so different from any other god (and the fact that he sent His son is because of this).  Our God is a personal God.  He knows what we need and provides for us, for each individual. 
Just today, God pulled some “snacks” out just for me.  On a day when I’m feeling completely overwhelmed, swamped, and ready to cry, I opened my Bible to a random page and the words spoke directly to my heart.  â€œGod, you’re awesome!”  He sends me the friends and support I need, when I need them.  (Thank you to my dear friend who sent me the note of encouragement I read last night.)  â€œGod, you’re awesome!”  In my stress, my 3-year old’s words of love lighten my heavy heart.  â€œGod, you’re awesome!”
We have an all powerful God, and in his power and majesty he still knows every hair on my head and what I need to hear today.  He knows exactly the nourishment my soul and heart are craving and his purse is full of snacks.


Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens…  You are awesome, O God, in your sanctuary; the God of Israel gives power and strength to his people. Praise be to God! 
Psalm 68:19, 35


Ask the Lord
Dear Lord,
Thank you for knowing me.  Thank you for taking the time to learn all about me and loving me so much that you reach out to me everyday with the encouragement and strength I need to live, to serve, and to grow.  Please continue to remind me of how awesome you are and help me appreciate the grandness of the personal relationship you desire to have with me.  Help me to be there for others.  Allow me to be one of the ways you remind someone else of your love and care.  To you be all Glory!  Amen.

Valerie Johnson
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