"It's a process" - a piece of our wedding cake I had made for Jason.  He likes golf, and throughout our engagement and life now, he frequently tells me, "It's a process.'  A perfect reminder for what I've been learning this past month!

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I'm not perfect, but God is!

In my last update, I shared fears and lies the Enemy was sending rapidly through my mind as I tried to plan and prepare for the S. Asia Discovery trip.  After I sent the update, things got better and worse.

The highlights were YOUR responses of prayer and encouragement as well as financial gifts that have helped cover many of the unexpected expenses of the trip.  THANK YOU.  Your generosity propelled us forward in motivation, excitement, and overall commitment to His Work!

The lowlights were the continual on and off negative thoughts. Through prayer (on our knees literally), Jason's faithful patience, and the advice and wisdom of others, God peeled back a layer of my humanity to reveal perfectionism rooting in my heart.  While there are many contributing factors to feeling overwhelmed (stress, spiritual warfare, etc), it is clear that my perfectionism is also playing a role, and taking a toll on my well-being.  I was told, "perfectionism will kill you" and after being targeted by intense adverse feelings, I believe it!

So, in the midst of trip planning, I'm also working through some recommended Perfectionism modules online, that are excellent.  I'm also hoping to read through this book: "Death of the Modern Super Hero - how Grace breaks our rules," written by Chris Lautsbaugh, a "recovering superhero."  I'm also practicing asking for help, which is really hard for me!

"Sanctification is the process of becoming Christ-like.  In the definition of the word, we see it is a process." ~ Lautsbaugh

Even though, I am not perfect, there is One who is.  Today, I am resting in Psalm 30, being reminded that HE is the one who equips me for service and makes my way perfect, not because of my efforts, but because of His strength and grace and perfectness! 

30 As for God, his way is perfectAll the Lord’s promises prove true.
    He is a shield for all who look to him for protection.
31 For who is God except the LordWho but our God is a solid rock?
32 God arms me with strength, and he makes my way perfect.
33 He makes me as surefooted as a deer, enabling me to stand on mountain heights.
34 He trains my hands for battle; he strengthens my arm to draw a bronze bow.
35 You have given me your shield of victory. Your right hand supports me;
    your help has made me great.
36 You have made a wide path for my feet to keep them from slipping.

8 days from today, we will pack up the car and the two little dogs, and head to Virginia, North Carolina, Delaware and New Hampshire, en route to S. Asia!

9 days from today - my little brother, Mark, gets married - in Virginia!

30 days from today until we leave for S. Asia! (June 29!)

2 days (41 hours within a 48 hour period) is how long we will spend on 2 (of the 5) trains in S. Asia

63 days - is the total how long we will be on the road/in the air/on the train, etc.

112 degrees - the current temperature of one of the S. Asian cities we'll be traveling through

1 day - Tomorrow - I will spend a couple hours praying and preparing to enter this next season of travel, as an ever-learning to be: wife, daughter, sister, trip leader, logistics coordinator, and daughter of the King.

Prayer Calendar
I left for my first overseas term in South Asia, 9 years ago (July 2005!), and many of you picked a day of the month to pray for me - and some of you still do pray on that specific day - THANK YOU!

Here's another opportunity to join with us through prayer.  Click this link to see our general itinerary and daily prayer requests.

If you want to let me know which day(s) you want to commit to praying for us, I'll write your name on my calendar so we can pray for you on that day too!!  I'm hoping to have a name for each day of our S. Asia trip!!

Also, if you want to be on an email prayer list, JUST for this trip, my mom has offered to send up-to-the minute urgent prayer needs via email.  You can let me know, or let her know if you want to be on it! (janeannewilson@hotmail.com)

THANK YOU in advance for partnering with us in this most important way!
We leave June 6 for my brother's wedding and a family reunion.  Our S. Asia dates are: June 29-August 5.


Praise - One student has ALL of her funds for the S. Asia trip!!!
Praise - We are nearly packed.  Still lots to do, but if we had to leave tomorrow, I actually feel ready!
Praise - for reduced negative feelings and a fresh realization that sanctification is a process!
Prayer - for 2 more visas to arrive for trip participants!
Prayer for Jason and me - as we grow together in new ways through serving the Lord this summer!

Prayer - for funding for the trip participants. If you are interested in joining our team of 9 through $, let me know!

Copyright © 2014 Elizabeth Eno

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