Welcome to the best design finds o' the week!
Welcome to the Paper Leaf Design Weekly. We have some great finds from the web, as always. Check them out below, and if you have something that's worthwhile including next week, drop us a line at info@paper-leaf.com! And if you enjoy the newsletter, why not share it with a friend or tweet it? We'd appreciate it! |
Apple Prototypes from the 1980s
These days, Apple is synonymous with design. They've changed the game at least twice, with the invention of the iPhone and the iPad – it is even more interesting, then, to see some of their older prototypes from the 80s and get an idea of where those seeds took root. Take a look! |
Filament: Apps for Your Website
Interesting premise here: Filament purports to be an app store of sorts, but for any website. The idea is that you pick the app you want – say, a share bar on your website – and enter your URL, then drag & drop the "app" into your site. Haven't tried it ourselves, but it looks kinda cool. |
The Makings of a Great Logo
Every once in a while, all of us need a reminder of the key pieces that make a logo great. This short, digestible article does just that, showing examples of good & bad, and explaining a few key principles behind great logo design. |
Free Behance Presentation Photoshop Action
Behance is a great way to show off your latest work – follow us if you're into that, by the way – but creating yet another set of images for another portfolio is time-consuming. This Photoshop action helps deal with that problem by automating the template & layout process. Handy! |
Typographic Artisans
Behind-the-scenes videos are pretty much the greatest thing since home pizza delivery. This 6 minute video from lynda.com is a quick look behind the curtain of Title Case, a business / workshop run by Jessica Hische & Eric Marinovich devoted to the love of the letterform. Worth a watch! |