May 27 Newsletter Correction : Thoughts from the Executive Director

thoughts from Cal 

The newsletter distributed May 27, 2014 contained a column from the US Executive Director.  Unfortunately what was posted in the column was scattered musings that made little sense.   The column that was to have appeared is that which appears below:  
A decade ago, a friend of mine wrote a booklet about mistakes he had made, and things he had learned, as he looked back over thirty years of running a business.  He said one of his greatest accomplishments was the investment in human resources.  He extolled the benefit to business and society, as well as the long-term satisfaction, that came from investing in people. 
HEAL Africa invests in people.  A glance at our programs shows that our investment takes different forms: medical treatment for those unable to pay for it, HIV transmission prevention, Safe Motherhood instruction, literacy training, manufacturing skills, advocacy for gender justice, technical training, Nehemiah community building skills, Medical Residency Training, and the list goes on and on.
Sometimes persons in whom HEAL Africa invested become staff members of HEAL Africa. In other cases, the person gives leadership for the government or other organizations.  In any case the society in eastern DRC benefits.
As I look at the generation that is taking over the leadership at HEAL Africa, I am reminded that many of them are where they are today because people from other countries invested in educational opportunities fifteen and twenty years ago. 
As I listen to the laughter of young mothers with healthy two year olds in DRC, I know for many of them the smile on their face can be traced to some supporter of HEAL Africa who invested in Safe Motherhood four years ago.   I hear from leaders in other organizations who pause to give thanks for the training they received at HEAL Africa.  In the newsletter, you read about Dr. Emily whose education is being sponsored by our sister organization, Doctors on Call for Service (DOCS).  HEAL Africa invests in the physical, spiritual, emotional, and social well-being of individuals and communities.  Investment in people’s lives really gives us all a chance to be part of the development changing the face of Africa.  

Calvin (Cal) Bremer
Executive Director, HEAL Africa-USA
 PO BOX 545 | CALEDONIA, MI  49316

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