Kaleidodrama. Art. Of connecting the dots, reconnecting them. Tall stories. Flawed ones. Lopsided and Loud ones. Colored. Enchanted. Stories to stay.
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"A cheque from Joe Gordon- Levitt! Woohoo!"

That is how the month of May started for me, and I still break into a "Woohoo!" every time I think about it.

I worked on a story panel for Joseph Gordon-Levitt's HitRecord some time in 2011. This book RECollection: Volume 1 is the very first anthology of hitRECord’s work, an eight inch square, cloth bound tome that is a well crafted and meticulously designed piece of art. With equal attention given to each medium - video, audio, image, text.

Am so very stoked that my Carnegie Hall story panel is in the book.

Thrilled some more, for the pretty awesome feedback from the man himself.

And finally, a cheque signed by JGL! This one's surely getting framed and going on my wall.

Good reason to keep Woohooing even a month later, no? ;)
A small section of my works have grown to have complex personalities of their own. Not very unlike how a person evolves, they have evolved over time, gathering new layers of paint, textures, new stories. Each layer peeled off these works would reveal an emotion, a moment in time, give a glimpse of how I have evolved as an artist, how I have changed as a person even. These artworks to me are a very important section of my works.

This painting from the Butterfly Effect series is one such piece of art. This one I'm glad has found a new home not far away from home, and I can visit it whenever I miss it too much. 
Rising from the Ashes | Mixed Media on Canvas| 24x20in | SOLD
Nothing like Koi to brighten a gloomy day.
The year 2012 was the year of experimenting with Koi. Always mesmerized by the orange of the Koi, the swirling waters and the water lilies that were totally trying on my patience. The last of the four pieces now curated under Pink Ginger is deliciously textured, and many hours have been spent staring into the depths of this beauty. 

Koi Pond, Pink Ginger, 2012
12x24in | Acrylic on Canvas | Price on Request 

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