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Welcome to Higher Journeys News-n-Muse May edition!

Higher Journeys is the home of #1 best-selling author, researcher, and radio talk show host, Alexis Brooks.

At Higher Journeys, we cover all things spiritual and transformational, paranormal and supernatural and just about everything in between!  From "classical" metaphysics to leading edge new thought concepts, Higher Journeys is dedicated to assisting you on your own journey with the best set of tools and information available!

With "News-n-Muse," our monthly addition to the Higher Journeys family, we'll deliver snap-shots and nuggets  - information to muse over and assimilate at your leisure.

So journey with us and enjoy the ride!

Dreaming the BIG dream - Judy Gardiner's book Lavender wins Top Honors at the National Indie Excellence Awards

It is my absolute pleasure to announce that fellow colleague and friend Judy B. Gardiner was recently awarded the coveted spot for New Age Fiction by the National Indie Excellence Awards committee for her book, Lavender - An Entwined Adventure in Science and Spirit.

"The news of LAVENDER as 2014 winner of the National Indie Excellence Awards for New Age Fiction is the most exhilarating free-fall imaginable. The shining culmination of fifteen years of writing has left me at a loss for words. I didn't know what to do with recognition, but I did know that the Greats of all time were thanking me for listening and for not giving up on riddles that made no sense. I join in their immense gratitude to Ellen Reid and her team of judges for not only reading the tome, but understanding the enormity of the message. Indie provides hope to throngs of inspired writers who have taken the independent route just because they were called to write and felt they had no choice. This is my life. That is my story." - Judy Gardiner

Here's what the late psychiatrist and renowned parapsychology researcher Montague Ullman, M.D. had to say about Lavender in the introduction to this great work:

"This book is a lengthy parable rooted in facts that suggest two possible directions our dreams take.  The first is based on the fact that dreaming consciousness is a natural healing system.  There is observational and laboratory evidence that dreaming is characteristic of the entire mammalian species and that dreams serve a survival function of some sort.  In humans, our dreams serve a healing function by confronting us with hidden truths about ourselves, good or bad, that we have not yet acknowledged.  Since we are creatures capable of abstract thought, we are able to capture feelings in metaphors made out of words in poetry, and while we are asleep and dreaming create images that tell the story.  Both the poem and the dream capture truths about ourselves that we are not ordinarily capable of acknowledging in ordinary discourse."

In case you missed it, be sure to tune in to my recent interview with Judy about her excursions into the terrain of dreams!

Airing now on Conscious Inquiry Radio:

Constructive Dreaming with the "Father of the Dreamwork Movement," Henry Reed Ph.D.

Also check out:

The World According to Dick Gregory


...And remember, you can always listen to our archived shows, Free and On Demand at:
Conscious Inquiry Radio!

Scientific Study Shows Meditators Collapsing Quantum Systems at a Distance



Numerous scientists over many years have studied the role of consciousness and how it can directly influence our physical material world. Large amounts of research have been published which clearly demonstrate that yes, consciousness and what we perceive to be our physical material world are directly intertwined. I will provide more examples of this towards the end of the article, but for now we are going to take a look at one.

We’ve written about it numerous times, it’s called the quantum double slit experiment, and it’s a great example of how consciousness can affect our physical material world. A paper published in the peer-reviewed journal Physics Essays explains how this experiment has been used multiple times to explore the role of consciousness in shaping the nature of physical reality. 

Read more here.


Alexis was recently interviewed for her "musings" about consciousness and transformation. Check these out at your leisure and all-ways remember to embrace the journey and enjoy the ride.

The Hundredth 
Monkey Radio with Tom and Ramon - In hour one we discuss the tethering to technology and the ramifications of replacing technology for true human contact; spiritual sovereignty - what is it and why it's important; meditation - demystifying this ancient art, and much more!

Cynthia Sue Larson interviews Alexis Brooks for  Cynthia and Alexis "muse" about the gift of personal exploration, the magic of numbers and what they mean, the power of forgiveness and the global shift in consciousness.

The Unlikely Guide to Self Transformation - Alexis  talks about the common threads that exist between individual human behavior, mass reality, paranormal experience and ultimate transformation.  

In the Boston area?  If so, join Alexis for a special event at Aveda Lifestyle Center:Transformation through Spiritual Wellness.  A talk, guided meditation and book signing.  Sunday, June 1st in Burlington, MA.

Here's where you get to share your musings!

The following musings are from a chapter from Conscious Musings entitled "Is Paranormal the New Normal?"  These thoughts come from a reader, Sufian Chaudhary...

Hi Alexis,

Thank you for sharing this experience, that was quite an interesting read. You are correct in assuming that more of these kinds of paranormal activities will be witnessed and observed in the future. To put it quite simply, the veil between the physical and spiritual worlds are thinning. Where lets say that if her passed away aunt was to try and manipulate the lid and throw is across the room 10 years ago, she would have quite a considerably harder time doing so. The last couple of years have seen increased activity not only with just fragments that were attached to belongings, like in her aunt’s case, but also many instances of Higher Beings as well. I channel quite frequently and it’s always interesting to hear about stories like this one. My question is; is the world even prepared for more of these kinds of events?

What you friend should really do is a) learn how to commune with her aunt the next time she makes an appearance, or b) learn how to remove the fragment from the belongings and effectively send it upwards to a higher dimension.

To learn more about the essential knowledge of paranormal phenomena and why the time is now to embrace the mysterious underpinnings of reality, be sure to pick up a copy of Conscious Musings on Amazon in both paperback and Kindle format!

Put Conscious Musings on your summer reading list...nothing like consciously musing while sitting by the ocean, lake or pond!

Got Musings?

Don't be shy!  Email us with your comments, thoughts, questions, and suggestions at: and we may feature your musings (with your permission of course) in the Got Musings? section!


I am SO gratified that you have taken time out of your busy schedule to read our May issue of Higher Journeys News-n-Muse.  I hope we peaked your interest in keeping up your HIGHEST JOURNEY!  

When you reflect on your path, you may just realize that life is not just about the destination - (you guessed it) - it's about the Journey and what a fantastic journey it can be!  

Happy spring and my sincerest blessings,


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