7000 virksomheder kan ikke tage fejl - eller kan de?
Lydens Hus flytter ind på Gl. Kongevej
Google lancerer musiktjeneste i Danmark

Deltag i seminar om den gode koncert oplevelse
DEF afholder arrangement med fokus på den trådløse lydoplevelse

Matchmaking event om Horizon 2020 på ESOF i København
ESSA konferrence i København den 27. juni
Funding, Partnerskaber og Ansøgningsfrister

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*See english version below

Nyhedsbrev uge 24

7000 virksomheder kan ikke tage fejl – eller kan de?

I 2013 tog 7000 danske virksomheder genvejen til viden og vækst gennem de danske innovationsnetværk. Kom og snak om innovation med Dansk Lyd og de resterende 22 innovationsnetværk under Folkemødet i Allinge den 12- 15. juni. Du finder os på Cirkuspladsen, telt C29. Programmet byder bl.a. på en innovativ bagedyst, Brdr. Lund Madsen, Uddannelses- og forskningsminister Sofie Carsten Nielsen, VM på storskærm, Thyra Frank og Lego-konkurrence. Forvirret? Læs mere her

Lydens Hus flytter ind på Gl. Kongevej

Danmarks nye lydvækstfabrik får adresse samme sted som Gramex, der sammen med de øvrige samarbejdspartnere, Væksthus Hovedstadsregionen, Væksthus Sjælland og Dansk Lyd, skaber rammen om Lydens Hus. Udover en kontorplads med engagerede og kreative kollegaer får beboerne i Lydens Hus bl.a. tilbudt en skræddersyet mentorordning, professionel sparring og hjælp til internationalisering af deres virksomhed. Dertil kommer muligheden for at bruge de andre væksthuse på Sjælland, hvilket giver ekstra fleksibilitet i forbindelse med f.eks. forretningsmøder med kunder eller samarbejdspartnere. Læs mere om Lydens Hus her.

Google lancerer musiktjeneste i Danmark

Søgemaskine giganten Google gjorde fornyligt sit indtog på det danske streaming marked med Google Play Music. På trods af stor konkurrence på det skandinaviske marked, vudere Google at deres integration med android mobil platform i kombination med individfokuserede algoritmer der har informationer om brugernes musikpræferencer fra bl.a. YouTube, vil kunne højne kvaliteten af den hidtidige brugeroplevelse. Med den nylige danske lancering har Google formået at få deres musiktjeneste ud i 27 lande. Læs mere om lanceringen af Google Play Music her.
Deltag i seminar om den gode koncert oplevelse

Den 18. juni bliver der i Struer - Lydens by sat fokus på lydteknikerens rolle og indflydelse på den gode koncertoplevelse. Arrangementet giver forskellige perspektiver på de tekniske og akustiske indflydelser, der spiller ind på lydteknikerens praktiske muligheder for at levere den bedst mulige lyd. 

Eventen er gratis og organiseret af den Fokuserede Erhvervsservice Lydens By i samarbejde med Innovationsnetværket Dansk Lyd. Læs mere om programmet og tilmelding her.
DEF afholder arrangement med fokus på den trådløse lydoplevelse

Den 20. juni sætter Dansk Elektro-akustisk Forening fokus på trådløs lyd en hel eftermiddag, hvor der vil blive mulighed for at kigge (og ikke mindst lytte) et par håndfulde aktuelle produkter nærmere efter i sømmene. Klik her for mere information.
Matchmaking event om Horizon 2020 på ESOF i København

I forbindelse med Euroscience Open Forum i København, afholder Enterprise Europe Network en matchmaking-event den 26. juni 2014. Der vil blive organiseret møder af 20 min. varighed for både organisationer og forskere, universiteter m.fl., der ønsker at etablere nye partnerskaber med henblik på at søge forsknings- og innovationsmidler inden for rammerne af Horizon 2020.

Læs mere om program og tilmelding her.
ESSA konferrence i København den 27. juni

Den 27. juni 2014 afvikles den internationale European Sound Studies Association konference på Københavns Universitet. Konferencen udforsker bl.a. fremtidsperspektiverne i forskningen inden for lyd og de praktiske anvendelsesmuligheder i sammenhæng med kunst, design og teknologi. Læs mere her.

Næste frist for højteknologiske projekter er 22. august 2014

Højteknologiske projekter er karakteriseret ved at have et klart erhvervsmæssigt potentiale, som kan udvikles ved hjælp af ny højteknologi, der frembringes gennem et målrettet samarbejde mellem virksomheder og offentlige forskningsinstitutioner. Klik her for mere information om ansøgningskriterier.

Ny ansøgningsrunde til erhvervspostdoc

Ny ansøgningsrunde til erhvervspostdocNæste frist til ansøgning om erhvervspostdoc er den 19. september 2014. Erhvervspostdoc-projekter tager udgangspunkt i samarbejde mellem virksomheder og offentlige forskningsinstitutioner omkring løsning af konkrete forsknings- og udviklingsopgaver. Læs mere om erhvervspostdocs her.

EUopStart fond

EUopSTART giver tilskud til det forberedende arbejde i danske virksomheder og universiteter med henblik på at deltage i udvalgte europæiske forskningsprogrammer. Man kan for eksempel søge om støtte til følgende aktiviteter:
  • Udarbejdelse af en ansøgning til et europæisk forskningsprogram fx Horisont 2020 ansøgninger
  • Udarbejdelse af en ansøgning til Det Europæiske Forskningsråd (ERC)
  • Forhandling af en tilskudsaftale
Den næste indkaldelse af EUopSTART midler vil blive åbnet den 1. juli 2014, mens den faktiske indkaldelse finder sted i midten af ​​juni 2014. Ansøgninger om EUopSTART midler kan indsendes løbende og vil blive behandlet, forudsat at midlerne stadig er tilgængelige. Se hvilke muligheder der er i EUopStart fonden her.
Enterprise Europe Network hjælper små og mellemstore virksomheder og videninstitutioner med at finde nye samarbejdspartnere i udlandet – både i forhold til eksport, projektsamarbejde og teknologisk samarbejde. De opererer en omfattende database, hvor man gratis kan oprette profiler og søge efter partnere. Man kan også søge i de eksisterende profiler. Læs nærmere om Enterprise Europe Network her.

Innovationsnetværket Dansk Lyd har en søgerobot hos Enterprise Europe Network, der løbende sender os opslag, der kunne være relevante for nogle af vores medlemsorganisationer.  Vi hører meget gerne fra jer, hvis I går videre med nogle af opslagene fra nyhedsbrevet. Se de seneste opslag herunder:
New method for an automatic translation of natural language to formal descriptions
A German research institute specialised in investigating the complexity of electronic systems and establishing cyber-physical systems has developed a method how the gap between man and machine can be bridged using an automatic translation of natural language to formal descriptions. The research institute is looking for partners for technical cooperation in order to further develop the method
Ultra stable signal source (oscillator / clock) with an incomparable relative stability for space, astronomy and meteorology applications
A French research institute has developed a state-of-the art CSO (Cryogenic Sapphire Oscillator) that offers unprecedented frequency stability performances. The institute is looking for technical cooperation with space industry and other industries requesting improved frequency reference as industry of high performance clocks and oscillators, meteorology and astronomy.
Outdoor sound propagation calculation software 
A Cypriot SME has developed software unique in barrier design and barrier efficiency. It calculates unlimited orders of diffractions and reflections, in a 3D environment, is based on state of the art calculation methods and allows designing of a huge variety of outdoor environments which can be acoustically studied. The SME seeks partners for license and distribution agreements and technical or research cooperation agreements.

Acoustics code library
A Cypriot SME has developed an Acoustics code Library, the first library to offer a software code (.dll) which enables acousticians developing their own software application to apply multiple methodologies in solving acoustical problems on a unified platform. The SME seeks partners for License and distribution agreements and technical or research cooperation agreements.

New pulsed waveform oscillator
A research group from a university in Spain with experience in the fields of radiofrequency, microwave and millimeter wave circuits and systems, has designed a pulsed waveform oscillator with a nonlinear transmission line.The research group is looking for industrial partners interested in further development and companies for testing the new technology in other applications.

Outgest and digital delivery plattform for Video, Multimedia Production and Broadcasting
A Portuguese SME working in the audiovisual technology industry has developed a fully integrated audiovisual outgest and digital delivery platform that ensures full interoperability between different systems in the audiovisual production environment. The company is looking for partners for technical consultancy and help to further develop the product so that it could target other application areas. Targeted partners are audiovisual production companies, broadcasters and multimedia integrators

Smart house technology integrator for speech-to-speech natural language interface mobile app for home control
A Romanian company, which has a good working experience with code optimization, image and speech processing technology, is looking for project partners in Eureka Program. Project idea is to create an assistive mobile device software platform for intelligent building control and communication. The company has previous experience in EU tenders and Eureka programme
De bedste hilsner


Rebecca Engberg      Jan Larsen          Wazir Iyas       Eske Bo Knudsen    Jan Voetman      

Innovationsnetværket Dansk Lyd

DTU Compute · Sektion for Kognitive Systemer
Richard Petersens Plads · Bygning 321 · 2800 Lyngby
Tlf. 4525 3411 ·
Copyright © 2014 All rights reserved.

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Innovationsnetværket Dansk Lyd er støttet af Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriet

Newsletter week 24

7000 businesses can’t be mistaking - or can they?

In 2013 more than 7000 Danish business has taken the shortcut to growth and knowledge through the Danish innovation networks. Come and have a chat with Danish Sound and the rest of the 22 innovation networks at the People Meeting in Allinge 12th-15th of June. You can find us at Cirkuspladsen in tent C29. The program will among other things consist of an innovative pastry competition, the Lund Madsen brothers, Sofie Carsten Nielsen the Minister of Higher Education and Science, World Cup on the big screen, Lego competition and more. Confused? See the program here


Lydens Hus moves in at Gl. Kongevej

Denmark's new audio-business incubator will be sharing the same address as Gramex, who along with Vaeksthus Copenhagen, Vaeksthus Zealand and Danish Sound will provide the framework for Lydens Hus. Apart from an office space with dedicated and creative colleagues, the entrepreneurs in Lydens Hus will also be offered tailor made mentorship programs, professional business development, and help with getting in to the international market. Moreover, the tenants of Lydens Hus will also be able to use all the other Vaeksthus office spaces around the country, providing them with an extra flexibility in relation to e.g. client or partner meetings. Read more about Lydens Hus here (article in Danish).


Google Play Music launched in Denmark

Google recently entered the Danish music streaming market with Google Play Music. Despite the existing competition, Google believes that their close integration with the Android platform along with personalized algorithms about user preferences, from e.g. YouTube, will outrange the competitors services.  Google Play Music is now available in 27 countries, including the recent launch in Denmark. Read more about the Google Play Music service here (article in Danish).
An event about the good concert experience

On June 18 in Struer - City of Sound focus is set on the role and influence of the sound technician on the good concert experience. The event offers an opportunity to get a new perspective on the technical and acoustic impacts that influence the sound technician’s practical opportunities to deliver the best possible sound.
The event is free and organized by The Focused Business Service City of Sound in collaboration with Danish Sound Innovation Network.  Read more about the program and register here (in Danish).
DEF event about the wireless sound experience

Danish electro-acoustic society will direct its attention to wireless sound experience at their event the 20th of June. Participants will not only be introduced to a few of the latest products but also get the chance to listen and experience the delivery of the wireless speakers. Click here for more information about participation.
European Sound Studies Association conferrence in Copenhagen 27/06

June 27th the second international ESSA conference will take place at the University of Copenhagen, June 27-29, 2014. Among the themes are: Case studies that testify to the recent changes within sound studies, theoretical and methodological reflections on sound studies’ futures. The themes vary from seeking to understand and contextualize the current developments of the sound industries to new way of using sound in contemporary art. Read more about participation here
Matchmaking event about Horizon 2020 during ESOF in Copenhagen

Enterprise Europe Network is facilitating a matchmaking event in connection with the Euroscience Open Forum in Copenhagen, 26th of June 2014. Meetings session of 20 min. each will be organized for organizations, researchers, universities and businesses who wish to establish new partnerships with intention to apply for funds within the frame of Horizon 2020.

Click here for more information about program and registration

Next application deadline for high-tech projects - 22/08

High-tech projects are characterized by having a clear business potential that can be developed through technological innovation and close collaboration between businesses and public research institutions. Click here for more information about application criterias.


Call for industrial postdocs

Next application deadline for industrial postdocs is the 19th of September. Postdoc projects are based on collaborations between businesses and public research institutions working on solving concrete research- and development tasks. Read more about industrial postdocs here.


EUopSTART fund

EUopSTART offers grants for the preparatory work of Danish businesses and universities who plan to participate in selected European research programmes. You can e.g. apply for funding for the following activities:
- Preparation of an application to a European research programme e.g. Horizon 2020 applications
- Preparation of an application to The European Research Council (ERC)
- Negotiation of a grant agreement
The next call for EUopSTART funds will be opened on July 1st 2014, while the actual call is expected to be published in mid June 2014. Applications for EUopSTART funds can be sent in on an ongoing basis, and will be handled provided that funds are still available. Read more about the different activities in the call here.
The Enterprise Europe Network helps small and medium-sized businesses and research institutions with finding new collaboration partners abroad - in terms of export, project collaboration and technological collaborations. They have an extensive database where you can create profiles for free and search for partners. Read more about Enterprise Europe Network here.
The Danish Sound Innovation Network has a search robot at the Enterprise Europe Network, which continuously sends us content that might be relevant to some of our member organizations.  The secretariat would like to hear from you if you go forward with one of the collaboration offers from the newsletters. See the most recent entries posted below:
Standalone solar powered multichannel sound system
A German company has developed a multichannel portable sound system for public spaces consisting of solar powered speakers on pillars. Each pillar can be assigned to a channel by special developed software for creating unique spatial soundscapes. The wireless LAN controlled sound pillars can be used for cultural events as well as individual compositions. The company looks for partners applying this technology in their fields of activity and technical cooperation to further develop the product.

Engineering and manufacturing of radomes and radar-transparent structural parts for maritime, security and communication markets
A Dutch SME has specialized knowhow in design, manufacturing and repair of radomes, composite antenna covers and reflectors. The company is originating from aircraft industry and is fully certified. Looking for partners in the maritime, off-shore, security and communication sector. Especially manufacturers of radar, antenna, parabolic dish antenna and/or sensor equipment, for joint development and/or cooperation of specialized high-end products with a high added value and low production volumes.

H2020-DRS- 18-2014 Interoperable next generation of broadband radio communication system for public safety and security - Pre-commercial Procurement (PcP)
Spanish mobile data related solutions company is setting up a proposal to be presented under the H2020-DRS-2014 Communication technologies and interoperability topic. The main goal is to an EU interoperable broadband radio communication system for public safety and security over the next 15 years. The consortium includes police forces, security forces, telecommunications companies and public bodies. Consortium coordinator is sought in order to submit the proposal.

Intelligent virtual assistant for natural language conversation
Slovenian researchers have developed a virtual assistant platform that answers questions textually and orally in a natural language on the web site. The research institute is looking for partners interested in licensing the technology.
Ultrasonic technique for microstructural characterization and accurate measurement of yield stress of materials
Two public research organisations from Spain and France and a university from Spain have developed a technique for real-time characterization of microstructural changes of a material under controlled stress test, allowing accurate measurement of its yield stress. The technique uses a combination of ultrasounds and a conventional rheometer, and can be applied to the design of an improved rheometer. Partners interested in a patent license are being sought.
Ultrasonic technique for detection and measurement of torsional rheometers plates misalignment
A public research entity and a university from Spain have developed a technique for measuring the misalignment of torsional rheometers plates. Significant viscosity and viscoelastic moduli measurement errors appears when using small thickness samples. The technique uses a combination of ultrasounds with a conventional rheometer, and can be applied to the design of an improved rheometer. Partners interested in a patent license are being sought
De bedste hilsner


Rebecca Engberg      Jan Larsen          Wazir Iyas       Eske Bo Knudsen    Jan Voetman      

Innovationsnetværket Dansk Lyd

DTU Compute · Sektion for Kognitive Systemer
Richard Petersens Plads · Bygning 321 · 2800 Lyngby
Tlf. 4525 3411 ·
Copyright © 2014 All rights reserved.

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Innovationsnetværket Dansk Lyd er støttet af Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriet