Albuquerque Center
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A quiet place in a noisy world.
This week of June 16th, 2014.
Hello <<First Name>>, enjoy your newsletter. It's best if you do display images (they are safe). A quick note that we will be running part 2 of Gigen's article next week.

Return to Zero

Paul Sonia
Albuquerque Zen Center

My room is my hut
My job is my takuhatsu (alms).
I am a modern day hermit devoted to the practice on how to be present.

From glorious temples to stark Zen centers from dojos and civic centers to abandoned houses I have sat with my legs crossed focusing on my breath.

I have wandered in many direction,
Sought out the dharma from the wise and sometimes the foolish.

 I have studied with yogis, senseis, and roshis, some known and some unknown.

I have had the good fortune to share this path with other followers of the way.  Strongly influenced  by a few and inspired by many.  I will be forever be grateful.

Chasing whimsical illusions of enlightenment we try to hold on to the clarity that we once knew in the Zendo.  Battling personal demons while attempting to end suffering is a difficult task.
We engage in the secular world and succumb to the cycle of wants and wishes.

Return, return to the zendo, return to the temple, return to zero

I return to my hut.

My hut, where the Buddha that adorns the altar is made of plaster.
Where the incense is held in a shot glass and the tan (platform) is the base for a washing machine covered by an old table cloth.
I light incense and prostrate three times on a pink yoga mat before a plastic Kwan Yin.

On the zafu (cushion)  I find rest from the chaos of the modern secular world and slowly the noise within quiets. I surrender to my breath and receive the moment.

This is my temple, my sacred place, my hut.

Beginner's Instruction Saturday 8:15AM
Wear loose clothes, bring a friend, come early for a cup of coffee or tea. Also, the beginners instruction is a great refresher if you have been away for a while.

probably not zero ...

this week at AZC ...

gassho (sincerest thanks) to our visitors ...
Alexi C, Krista S, Liz W, Pauline C

A member donated some bumper stickers. Be sure to stop by and pick one up.

Zazen in an AZC t-shirt ... priceless.

We are always looking for short articles and first-person stories, from both AZC members and non-members alike. (700 words, plus or minus would be great - please include pictures if you can.) Please send to Jim Redel.
Got a favorite AZC photo? We'd be happy to include it.Please send to Jim Redel.
We are now registered with the Amazon Smile programs, where they will donate a percentage of certain purchases to AZC. Please consider this the next time you shop at Amazon.(You can clock on the image to check it out.)

At AZC, we depend entirely upon the donations of our sangha members and the support of those who strive, as we do, to help others see their worlds a bit more clearly. If you've found a photo or link or article that you feel may help to inspire others, we welcome your support.

AZC Calendar

Monday 6/16
6:00-7:30 AM Morning Zendo
5:30-7:00 PM Evening Zendo

Tuesday 6/17
6:00-7:30 AM Morning Zendo
5:30-7:00 PM Evening Zendo

Wednesday 6/18
6:00-7:30 AM Morning Zendo
7:30 AM Bagels and Coffee / Tea
5:30-7:00PM Evening Zendo

Thursday 6/19
6:00-7:30 AM Morning Zendo
5:30-7:00 PM Evening Zendo and Discussion Group

Friday 6/20
6:00-7:30 AM Morning Zendo

Saturday 6/21
6:00-7:30 AM Morning Zendo
7:30-8:15 AM Bagels and Coffee
8:15-9:15 AM Work Practice
8:15-9:15 AM Newcomers Instruction
9:30-11:00 AM Mid-morning Zendo

Sunday 6/22