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TWEED editing tailored to the academic
Greetings <<FIRST NAME>>,

The summer is coming to a close, which means that the academic world is stirring. While refreshing at first, the hustle and bustle sometimes overshadows the urgency of our writing goals.

What you're reading is Annotations, TWEED Editing's email periodical designed to keep writing on your mind. Every now and again, you'll receive exclusive email content and updates. Today's installment outlines the benefits of the newly redesigned website and points you toward some excellent resources and fun writing-related swag. Without further ado...


TWEED editing services are all about nourishing writing so that academics can flourish. This commitment translates into providing complimentary resources and advice to scholarly writers on a regular basis. Whether or not we work together in a formal manner, I want to help you focus on your writing goals this year.

The new TWEED website features an integrated blog and a rich library of writing guides tailored specifically to the scholarly enterprise. Allow me to present some of the highlights.


Free & Frequent Pointers
I update the blog regularly, passing on to you the shortcuts and insider information that I use in academic editing. Even accomplished scholarly writers don't often know that:
TWEED Writing Guides
In-Depth Writing Guides

The TWEED Library includes tailor-made resources for writing academic papers and turning dissertations into books.

Whimsical Extras
Bonus Whimsy
Also check out playful extras designed to keep you writers engaged. Currently the Writer-at-Work doortags and motivational desktop wallpapers await your click.


I hope you will take a gander at the new website and all  the resources it offers. I update the blog often, but be sure to check the Facebook page as well. That's where I share links to news items and other online sites of interest to students and scholars.

Thank you again for your support of TWEED. I'm eager to hear your suggestions and questions. Please email me and share your thoughts.

Happy writing—and revising!

Katie Van Heest
Katie Van Heest
Katie Van Heest,

founding editor of TWEED. A PhD candidate myself, I know the plight and promise of scholarly writers. I earned a certificate in manuscript editing from the University of Chicago, where my instructors were the press editors most familiar with The Chicago Manual of Style.

I am a devoted resource for the writers with whom I work. My services are tailorable and my working style flexible so as to best meet the needs of your next academic writing project.

Every writer can benefit from another pair of eyes. Behind these spectacles, my eyes are sharply trained to help scholarly writers fine-tune their compositions.

Drop me a line to discuss the possibilities.
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