Apr-Jun 2014 | flickerflame eNewsletter
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Inside this Edition

Our New Home in Iraq
Go on a Missions trip
We Are Safe in Soran
Introducing Lily Grace
Our Aussie Farewell
Update on Tim's Mum
Sarah's Visa Granted
Tim Goes Back to School
Summer at The Refuge
Busy Getting Set Up
Iraq Under Attack
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A Home in the Mountains of Iraq

Since leaving New York last October we have driven 20,000km, lived in 5 different homes, taken 8 flights spending 51 hours in the air, and most importantly welcomed one gorgeous little girl into our family - the beautiful Lily Grace.

To add to the numbers game, we are super excited to be sending out our first eNewsletter from Iraq, having just driven over 3 mountain ranges and past 7 checkpoints to our new home town called Soran, in the mountains of Northern Iraq.

We're full of gratitued for the friends and family all over the world who pray fervently and give generously, making it possible for us to serve in this beautiful land.

The last few weeks have been huge - lots of final preparations, emotional goodbyes... it's been overwhelming to say the least. BUT there's a lot of great news that we are excited to share with you. Our journey has just begun... it's great to have you on board!
Go on a Missions Trip!
Times Square Church in New York City recently released there 2014 Fall Trip Schedule packed with incredible trips to destinations all over the world. I have seen God use and transform so many people through missions trips. So want to be a part of something life-changing this year, I could not recommend going on a missions trip more highly. Why not check with a local church for possible trips or visit the TSC Missions website to see their upcoming trip list. Did I mention that you can sign up for Iraq? Go on, sign up now and you could find yourself serving with us here in Soran for 10 days this October!!!

We're Safe in Our Home Town of Soran

Sunrise in Soran this morning - June 13, 2014
With the front page of most newspapers reporting on the chaos taking place in Mosul and much of the rest of southern Iraq, including the outskirts of Baghdad, we just wanted to let you know that we are safe in our home town of Soran. 

We are more than 120 miles from Mosul and there are 3 mountain ranges and 7 kurdish Army checkpoints between us and the plains of Erbil. That being said, we value your prayers and thoughts as we settle in during rather volatile circumstances. I'll have more to say regarding the current situation in Iraq at the bottom of this eNewsletter.

Introducing Lilian Grace (1 min. video)

It is with great excitement and gratitude to God that we introduce to you our newest budge of joy - Lilian Grace! 

Enjoy this little video birth announcement with some precious photos courtesy of the talented Lucy Wales. Thanks especially to our family for treating us to a special photo shoot. To enjoy the video click here!

Our Rockin' Aussie Farewell Event

Big thanks to everyone who came out to our farewell fundraiser event!! It was a giant success and so special to have old and new friends there cheering us on!!
We also took the opportunity to have a sweet Baby Dedication for Lily Grace at the event. What truly special day it was.

Special thanks to Sean and Vlad from Kai Coffee for hosting our event and being such rad baristas!

Huge thanks to David Willersfdorf and Ben & Jess Cleaver for an epic performance!

Of course, I can't forget to thank my family for all that hard work organising the day and for those delicious desserts and appetizers!

As you can see from the photos, the kids had a blast getting their faced painted with the Kurdish flag and going wild on the jumping castle!

Update on Trixie Buxton (Tim's Mum)

Just a few weeks before leaving, Tim's mum - Trixie, had major surgery related to her long battle with breast cancer. The operation went well and reports after the operation confirmed that she is cancer free! Praise God! 

Continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers as she is now scheduled to have operations on both her eyes, as a result of the intense chemotherapy treatment she had received. 

It was special to be all together with Tim's family in Australia to support Trixie during this final chapter in her victory over cancer. The family photo above was taken just 3 days after her operation - doesn't she look amazing!

Sarah's Visa Granted Just in Time

Just 5 days before we boarded our flight to Iraq Sarah was granted her Australian Residency Visa. This is a huge answer to prayer as it means that she can now enter and leave Australian indefinitely. It also means that in 4 years time she can apply for Australian citizenship (assuming she stays married to me!!!).

This has been one of many answers to prayer in the final weeks of our time in Australia. Despite not hearing anything from immigration in over 5 months and only being assigned an immigration case officer on June 2nd, everything was completed just in time!

Tim Goes Back to High School

It has been a privilege to have spoken in churches and small home fellowships all across New York and Australia in the led up to our move to Iraq. There has probably been no greater honor than to have spoken at my past High School, Grace Lutheran College. 

Last month, I was given the opportunity to speak to the entire senior student body at 3 consecutive chapel services. The theme of each service was "The Gospel & Suffering", allowing me the chance to challenge the students to make a difference in this world for God and for good. 

I also had a blast touring my old stomping ground and see first hand how much the school has grown. It truly is a remarkable school.

A big thank you goes out to Louise Farr, Esther Harding and Gordon Rackley for giving me the opportunity to come and share.

Summer Updates from "The Refuge"

Soran by Night
There has been plenty of activity at "The Refuge" community center as the hot summer months begin.

Dawn has been leading English classes for children along with some help from a few volunteers. This class has grown to over 40 children in just 3 weeks - Kurdish kids love to learn English!

One of the most popular classes is the excerise class for women. Can you imagine these Kurdish women doing aerobics in 100+ degree heat (that's over 40 celsius for the aussie folk)?

There is also plenty of activity on the newly installed soccer field and regular children's activities and crafts happening each week. It is exciting to see The Refuge so busy despite only being half way complete! 

Are you interested in helping to complete The Refuge? Email me at to find out how you can give!

Busy Days Getting Our Home Set Up

Since arriving here in Northern Iraq we have been pretty busy trying to get ourselves set up. We got our cell phones up and running so if you would like our new numbers shoot me an email at

There is also lots of work to be done at our new home before we can move in. We have had plumbing fixed, fans installed, kitchen cabinets ordered, purchased a bedroom set, fridge and oven. We still need to buy more A/C spits, carpets and will be taking a trip into Erbil to buy our 4WD car. 

if you would like to help us purchase these items you can give by clicking on the link below or using our Australian Bank Details:

Bank Name: Westpac
Account Name: Timothy Buxton
Account Number: 571131

BSB Number: 734001
Give to the Buxton Family Now

Iraq Under Attack

It's rather surreal to think that we landed in Erbil the same day that Islamic Insurgents (ISIS) took control of Mosul, just 30 miles away from the airport. 

At the time we were unaware of what was going on as we drove 3 hours to our home town of Soran. Since arriving we have received numerous reports and followed news online as ISIS army fighters have begun to take control of several towns in Iraq. 

The tragedy in the midst of all the news headlines is the more than 500,000 people that have been forced to flee Mosul as refugees. Many have found refuge in the neighboring Kurdish region, with lines of vehicles entering the Kurdish capital, Erbil stretching for miles. 

We have been prayerful over the last few days wanting to see how God may use us to help in this worsening humanitarian situation. 

During a time of morning prayer with a few other men, the Lord gave me Psalm 37, in particular verses 1-7 & 39-40:

Don’t worry about the wicked
 or envy those who do wrong. 
For like grass, they soon fade away.
Like spring flowers, they soon wither.
Trust in the Lord and do good.
Then you will live safely in the land and prosper.
Take delight in the Lord,
 and he will give you your heart’s desires.
Commit everything you do to the Lord.
Trust him, and he will help you.
He will make your innocence radiate like the dawn,
 and the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun.
Be still in the presence of the Lord,
 and wait patiently for him to act.

Don’t worry about evil people who prosper
 or fret about their wicked schemes.
The Lord rescues the godly;
 he is their fortress in times of trouble.
The Lord helps them,
 rescuing them from the wicked.
He saves them,
 and they find shelter in him.

In the midst of all the chaos and the schemes of evil men, it is comforting to know that God is sovereign and His purposes will not be thwarted. 

As you are able please pray for the many thousands of refugees forced to flee Mosul, that their needs will be met. Pray for the leaders in the Middle East and other world leaders as they weigh how they might get involved. Pray that God will give us an opportunity to share about the hope that we have in Jesus!

We know that God has sent us to Iraq for such a time as this, pray that God would give us wisdom as we shine His light and share His love amongst the people of Northern Iraq.

Thanks for journey with us,

Tim & Sarah Buxton
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