#TimeToAct: Ending sexual violence in conflict | Updates on situation in Ukraine | 5+2 Transdniestria settlement talks 

10 June 2014
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This week, politicians from more than 140 countries, legal and military experts, NGOs, and representatives from leading international organizations, including the OSCE, are meeting in London for a landmark summit on ending sexual violence in conflict organized by the British Government.

Throughout history and to this day, women, men, boys and girls all over the world have suffered the horrific consequences of sexual violence in conflict. This abhorrent crime has long-term consequences for the victims and communities. It’s time to recognize that sexual violence cannot be seen as an inevitable part of conflict. It’s time to challenge the impunity.

The OSCE works in all stages of the conflict cycle. In post-conflict environments we support victims in the search for justice, and we are working with the armed forces to ensure they respect the rights and dignity of both women and men, with the aim of ending once and for all the use of rape and sexual violence as a weapon of war.

Miroslava Beham
OSCE Senior Adviser on Gender Issues


Ending Sexual Violence in Conflict

Sexual violence as a weapon of war has devastating long-term consequences for victims. With the issue being taken up by a landmark conference in London, learn how the OSCE is working to challenge the impunity and support the delivery of justice. Read more


Delivering justice for wartime sexual violence in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Sexual violence was widely used as a weapon of war during the 1992-1995 conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina. A report by the OSCE Mission looks at the progress made by courts in the country in bringing the perpetrators to justice. Learn more


Guidance notes on Integrating Gender

These guidance notes on Integrating a Gender Perspective into Internal Oversight within the Armed Forces, Police and the Security Sector were developed by OSCE/ODIHR, DCAF and the OSCE Gender Section. Read more


Gender Equality Review Conference

Ten years after the OSCE adopted the Action Plan for the Promotion of Gender Equality, the Organization will take stock of the progress, achievements and challenges so far, at a conference in Vienna on 10-11 July 2014. Find out how to participate


Ukraine in focus

Ukraine’s 2014 early presidential election in numbers

Our infographic explores election observers' findings and key statistics from Ukraine's early presidential vote on 25 May. Learn more


OSCE engagement with Ukraine

Learn more about OSCE responses to the crisis in Ukraine, ranging from high-level diplomacy and multilateral dialogue, addressing concerns over fundamental freedoms, human rights, through to monitoring, fact-finding and military visits. Read more

Daily updates from the Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine

To get a better understanding of the situation on the ground in Ukraine, read the daily updates provided for the public and the media by the teams of special monitors. Read more

Building confidence between both sides of the Dniestr/Nistru River is important for creating conditions for resolving the Transdniestrian conflict. (OSCE/Igor Schimbător)

Transdniestrian Settlement

Building trust, finding solutions

OSCE works to prevent conflicts and to facilitate long-lasting comprehensive political settlements for existing ones. OSCE works together with the sides in the Transdniestrian conflict and international actors within the 5+2 format to find a solution. Learn more


Security Community Magazine

Security Community is available in print in English and Russian and online in English, Russian, German and French at www.osce.org/magazine.

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Question: How can co-operative security rise to the challenge of the current crisis in Ukraine?

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