Let Your Name Shine Poetry Collection
Write a Poem about Your Name. Deadline to submit: 8/31/2014
To address the growing mental and emotional health concerns among young people, FUSS is in the process of meeting with professionals and organizations to develop a sustainable program and build a network of support for our students and families in Fremont. 

FUSS would like start by inviting all K-12 students to participate in a "Let Your Name Shine Poetry Collection" project. Students are encouraged to write poems about their names (i.e. What does your name mean? Why do you think you are given this name? How would you like others to think of you when your name is mentioned? Do you like your name....)

Names are important, because they give individuals their identities. "Good Name" also means Reputation or Honor in Chinese. We hope that kids will not only live up to their names, but have a Good Name! 

We hope that through their participation in this Poetry Writing project, students will not only be able to build a sense of appreciation and respect for their names, but also to develop self-esteem, honor, purpose and meaning for themselves as well as respect for others.

Selected poems will be published and may be made into products with the names of the students and their schools included.

Copyright © 2012-2014 Fremont Unified Student Store (FUSS),
501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All rights reserved.
47000 Warm Springs Blvd., #266, Fremont, CA 94539

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