Because every New Orleanian has a favorite pothole! 
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How do you want to see your tax dollars spent?

City departments are meeting now to determine spending priorities for next year. Don't wait until the Mayor's meetings in August to let the city know what your priorities are for the upcoming fiscal year. 

Letting the city know how you'd like to see your tax dollars spent is the first step to ensuring that our tax dollars will be spent improving our communities. Without a doubt, dollars are short and pot holes are deep in New Orleans and there's no way to guarantee that all of our problems will be solved in this budget year. Even so, we want to make it even easier for you to get involved in the process from the beginning.

Over the next several weeks, city departments will meet to discuss their priorities and funding requests for the 2015 fiscal year. By letting department heads know what you'd like to see in your neighborhood, city leaders can make the best possible decisions with you in mind. Speak up now to let City Hall know what you'd like to see! 

Can't make the budget request hearings? No problem. PB NOLA has created an interactive map and a form to make sure your voice is heard no matter what. We've created crowd-sourced ways to gather input from residents across the city for two of the most important city departments-- the Department of Public Works and the New Orleans Recreation Department. Here's how it works:
  1. See what's on the table now. Check out this map to see what spending is being proposed in your neighborhood.
  2. Visit the interactive street map and drop a pin on your favorite pot hole, burnt out street light, blighted side walk or broken catch basin. 
  3. Fill out this form to let NORD know how you'd like to see your parks improve this year. 
  4. PB NOLA will submit the responses to the appropriate city department at the budget hearing.
  5. Attend a hearing! Here's a list of budget offers by department, including each department's requested funding.
Interested in spending at another department? Let us know! PB NOLA is happy to help organize folks in your neighborhood to attend any of the department budget offers. The goal is to get involved, so no idea is too small!

Use the buttons below to share with your friends! Everyone has a pothole they'd like to see filled or a park they hope to spend a little more time in, so let's help get the word out and speak up for our neighborhoods!
Visit our interactive map to call out  your favorite pothole! Let the Department of Public Works know what your priorities are.
Parks, community centers and programming are invaluable to a city's livability. Let the staff at NORD know what buildings, parks, or programs you'd like to see receive funding next year. (Photo courtesy of FEMA)
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