Enroll in an e-learning course through the Esri Virtual Campus, download archived workshop materials from StatLab, and access IMF datasets.
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July 2014

We now have an annual subscription to the IMF eLibrary Data Collection, which includes access to four datasets from the International Monetary Fund:
  • International Financial Statistics (IFS) - standard source for statistics on all aspects of international and domestic finance, with history to 1948.
  • Direction of Trade (DOT) - statistics on the value of each country's merchandise exports and those of its primary trading partners, with history to 1948.
  • Balance of Payments (BOP) - international economic transactions data and international investment position, with history to 1960.
  • Government Finance Statistics (GFS) - budgetary and extra-budgetary financial operations data of governments, with history to 1990.
Users must create a personal account with the IMF eLibrary to download large datasets. If you need assistance please contact Summer Durrant at

GIS Training

Interested in learning more about GIS? If you aren't able to enroll in a semester-long course or simply need a refresher, consider taking an e-learning course through the Esri Virtual Campus. These self-paced courses cover a wide range of topics and include hands-on exercises with data. Examples of courses include: Learning ArcGIS Desktop, Address Geocoding with ArcGIS, and Regression Analysis using ArcGIS. These courses are available free of charge to U.Va. faculty, staff, and students as part of our site license to Esri ArcGIS software.

A complete list of courses can be found here. To register, email the course title to Chris Gist at and you will receive an activation code along with instructions on how to access the course. Users will need Esri ArcGIS software to complete the exercises. For more information on installing Esri ArcGIS on a personal computer, accessing the software in public labs and classrooms, or via the Hive, please see the GIS guide.      

Esri and the Esri Logo are licensed trademarks of Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.

StatLab Workshop Archive

Did you know materials from all past StatLab workshops are available online? You do now! The StatLab conducted over 20 workshops this past year on statistical methods and software, and each included a presentation with related programming code. The presentations and code largely stand alone and make for great reference material. Go see what's available by visiting the StatLab Workshop Archive!
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