The Wilson kids!
Congratulations to Mark and Becki - married on June 7th!
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In the midst of spending time with family over the past two weeks and making final trip preparations, this verse stood out to me. I want to embrace it even in the midst of a thousand things that may or may not get done before we take off on Sunday!

This is the Lord’s work.  We consider it amazing!
This is the day the Lord has brought about.
We will be happy and rejoice in it.
Please Lord, deliver!
Please Lord, grant us success!
Psalm 118:23-25
Here we go!!!!
Jason and I leave on Sunday, June 29 for S. Asia.  We will be leading and participating in a Discovery Trip with Wycliffe Bible Translators.  We return on August 5.

Check out an online prayer calendar for our trip.  If you have trouble viewing it, please do let me know and I will send you a PDF version of the file!

Let me know if there is a day(s) you would like to specifically pray for us on our trip between June 29-Aug 5!

If you want to be included on a real-time email update list that my mom will use to send out at periodic times during our trip, please let her know ( - Thank you to those who already emailed me/my mom about being on it!!  I'm sure she'll send out an update soon!
Praise for all the visas arriving in time for everyone to go!

Pray for: my BACK PAIN: Last week I said to Jason, 'Honey, you may have to lead this back hurts too much to go.'  My back pain increases when I travel in cars, planes and trains and sleep on rock solid beds/floors/boards/tables - which is pretty much where we'll spend a lot of time over the next weeks.  I have pain medicine and pillows to help relieve it, but I am counting on prayer to get me through the trip without the pain infiltrating my mind, actions and words.
Pray for: ATTITUDES: Traveling and living with 9 people is quite different than just traveling by yourself.  Pray for the increased patience, greater understanding, and lots of flexibility for all of us!  Also pray that we make all our train connections and stay safe!

Pray for: our MARRIAGE: This trip will stretch both Jason and me in different ways - pray for a guard on our marriage as we step out into ministry areas and see, hear and experience God and His Word and world in new ways.

Pray for: STUDENT FUNDS: One student has not yet raised all of her funds for the trip - pray for her this week as she invites friends to partner with her through finances.
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