JUNE 2014

Director, Shana Challenor
Welcome to the first edition of Talk Suicide quarterly e-News designed to inform, educate and keep you up to date with what's happening within Community Action for the Prevention of Suicide HQ and the sector. 

Well it’s safe to say that 2014 has proven to be an extremely busy year to date with our small but talented team working around the clock to get information out into the community about our freshly re-branded TALK SUICIDE Support Service.
The year has brought about numerous changes to our organisation and service designed to enable more people to reach us when support is needed.  What changes I hear you ask?  Read below to see what's been happening at CAPS HQ. 

We would love to hear your thoughts on all of our recent changes so feel free to email us at

Kind regards,
Shana Challenor, Director
TALK SUICIDE Support Service
Our support service for people at risk of suicide and their families and friends isn’t new by any means, but how the community identifies us is. Previously known as the Suicide Prevention and Resource Support Service, the TALK SUICIDE Support Service changed its name in March this year to make it easier for people to find us and understand what we do.
The TALK SUICIDE Support Service is a free self-referral service available to individuals, families and friends of those at risk. We provide Australia wide telephone support and face-to-face support in the Brisbane area and surrounds to people 15 years and over. 

Our model of service is different than most in that we do not use an office to meet with people at risk, rather, together we choose a relaxed and neutral environment that is conducive to conversation and establishing a relationship of empowerment, support and trust. Our experienced Consultants approach is to invest time, coordinate appropriate care, and provide emotional and practical support as long as is necessary for well-being to improve, build confidence and restore hope.
Call us Free of Charge 

More people will be able to connect with us for free from any landline anywhere in Australia on our new 1800 number. Unfortunately, there will still be some cost involved if you call from a mobile, however dependent on your carrier and your plan, this will hopefully be minimal.
Call us on 1800 008 255
Check out our New Website

Our new website is designed to make it easier for people to reach out and ask for help without having to scroll through menus and information that they don’t need at a time when all they need is support.
We have also included more information about us, our services, and how you can get involved and support us if you like what we do.

Check it out…
CAPS was formed 13 years ago by a few people who had lived through loved ones' suicide and wanted to help spare others this experience.
Since then, CAPS has developed its Talk Suicide Support Service which provides emotional and practical support - as much as needed, when it is needed - to people at risk of suicide and those close to them.
This service addresses a crucial gap between medical and therapeutic, crisis, on- line, telephone and other services - a gap that thousands of people in our community still fall through every year, scarring the lives of tens of thousands more who love them. Testimonials confirm how effective CAPS' service is in helping people survive suicidal thoughts and feelings. This confirms the value of our small organisation and spurs us to work to grow it.
In a society where time is money, giving people the time they need, when they really need it, costs money - which is probably why there is such a gap in the support we, as a community, give each other.  
By helping CAPS financially, you and I can make our community work better, in a very practical way, at the point in their lives when people urgently need emotional support. It is one way that our money really can buy happiness - or at least contentment - for people we pass in the street every day.

Thank you for supporting CAPS.

Peter Annand, President

Donate Now
Talking Suicide 
Talking Suicide 

With recent data telling us that suicide is on the rise, it can be hard for family, friends and the community as a whole to know what they can do in the fight against suicide.

There are however things that everyday people can do, the first one being to arm themselves with knowledge. Knowledge is a powerful weapon in the fight against suicide, particularly when it comes to being able to recognise who may be at risk, warning signs and how you can help. 

In this, and upcoming articles, we will look to inform and raise awareness of the many facets of suicide so that when you yourself one day are confronted with someone troubled, (and don't feel fooled that this day will never come) you will hopefully feel a little less helpless and a little more ready to help.

Talking Suicide - An Overview

Suicide is a leading public health problem with widespread individual, family and community ramifications. The terrible waste of human potential extends beyond the loss of individual life, to the psychological and emotional effects on bereaved families and individuals, some of whose grief is made more complicated by the suddenness of the death.

Recent data shows Suicide to be the leading cause of death by injury, ahead of car accidents and numerous other causes including Skin Cancer. Data indicates that suicide remains more prevalent in males than females with approximately 75% of all deaths by suicide being males (ABS, 2012). Alarmingly, for every completed suicide it is estimated that 30 people have attempted equating to 200 suicide attempts in Australia every day. 
[Read More....]. 
Upcoming Events
National Suicide Prevention Conference
Perth, Australia
23 July 2014 to 26 July 2014
The 2014 National Suicide Prevention Conference: Many Communities, One Goal will focus on evidence-based suicide prevention initiatives and showcases the best in research, practice and community engagement for key audiences across Australia. The National Suicide Prevention Conference provides a platform for the exchange of ideas to help achieve our agenda of halving suicides in Australia over the next decade. This year the focus will be to deliver improved outcomes in suicide prevention for those working with vulnerable populations. The program will be engaging and diverse with leading researchers, practitioners and policy-makers, tempered by the voices of people with a lived experience of suicide.
For further information
Conference Secretariat
t 61 3 9863 7606
Roses in the Ocean Annual Cocktail Event
Brisbane, Australia
22 August 2014
Get ready for another great night out supporting the work of Roses in the Ocean and taking an active role in suicide prevention.  Enjoy wonderful food from Riverlife along the banks of the Brisbane River, beautiful wines and a Veuve Clicquot Champagne Bar!
Cathay Pacific have once again sponsored our event with a trip for two people to Hong Kong, so make sure you're in that raffle on the night!  There will also be fabulous silent auction items, lots of raffle prizes and a few surprises too.

For further information
World Suicide Prevention Day - One World Connected
To Be Advised
10 September 2014
Roses in the Ocean will be co-hosting an event in Brisbane for World Suicide Prevention Day, along with other collaborative events across south-east Queensland.

For further information
For more information about upcoming events visit or click here
Become a CAPS Member Today!

Do you want to keep up to date with CAPS activities and support our work in the community to reduce the risk of suicide?

The simplest way to show your support is by becoming a member of CAPS. Becoming a member will enable your involvement at our AGM plus you will receive our quarterly newsletter and invitations to events.

CAPS Inc is a registered, not for profit charity that needs the help of individuals and companies to undertake its charter of helping people at risk of suicide.

For more information on becoming a member Click here

Mindful Moments 
Copyright © 2014 Suicide Prevention Pathways Inc., All rights reserved.

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