Uncontacted Indians on the Peru-Brazil border face imminent "tragedy" and "death", according to experts. 
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Deadly contact “imminent”. Save uncontacted tribes now.

Uncontacted Indians on the Peru-Brazil border face imminent “tragedy” and “death”, according to experts. 

Brazil’s Indian Affairs Department has warned that dozens of uncontacted Indians have been coming into close contact with other communities, as they flee from rampant logging in Peru. 

Uncontrolled contact would be disastrous for the Indians, as they lack immunity to common diseases spread by outsiders. They are the most vulnerable people on the planet and they depend entirely on their land for their survival.

Please write to the Peruvian and Brazilian governments urging them to immediately implement measures to ensure the Indians’ lands and lives are protected. 

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Or if this doesn't work for you, you can use this text to send an email to the Presidents of Peru and Brazil at sg@planalto.gov.br, secretariageneral@presidencia.gob.pe

Your Excellencies President Humala and President Rousseff,

Brazil’s Indian Affairs Department FUNAI has released an urgent warning of imminent contact between uncontacted Indians and outsiders on the Peru-Brazil border.

FUNAI believes that the Indians are fleeing from illegal logging in Peru.

First contact is likely to result in the spread of disease, which would be fatal for the uncontacted Indians.  

I urge you to uphold the Peruvian and Brazilian constitutions and international law, and map out and protect all uncontacted Indians’ land as a matter of urgency. If your governments do not act quickly, the lives of some of the last uncontacted Indians on the planet will be destroyed forever.

Yours sincerely,

If you have a few minutes, please write your own message. This is much more powerful.


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