July 2014 Newsletter
BCCFA 2014 Conference and AGM
Thank you to our hosts Esk'etemc and Likely-Xat'sull Community Forests
Over 100 individuals representing 26 community forest organizations, government, academia and forest industry professionals participated in the 2014 annual BCCFA event. The weather cooperated to the last minute to give us two interesting and informative days of field trips. Even the predicted swarms of bugs were held at bay.
We attempted a different approach to our traditional manager's session at a Friday evening meal. The timing and venue created a challenge to what are usually some of the most important conversations of the conference. But the take a way was a recognition of the importance of the session that will be duly facilitated next year. Likewise, director's session was well attended and a number of important issues were discussed and perspectives shared. Other sessions included information on a role for community forests in education, how to prepare for a Forest Practices board audit, wildfire interface management and the value of strategic planning.
Shelley Desautels, GIS Analyst with Forsite Consultants Ltd.and a participant in the conference has put together a story map using geo-referenced photos of the conference. We are grateful to Shelly for her creative demonstration of another way to use technology.
go to the story map
The conference presentations and supporting documents can be viewed on the BCCFA website
more information
We would also like to announce that the 2015 conference and AGM will be held next spring in Clearwater hosted by the Wells Gray Community Forest!
Introducing the 2014-2015 BCCFA Board of Directors
Welcome to Harley Wright the newest volunteer on the BCCFA board. The remainder of the directors acclaimed for a two-year term are returning to this important role in making the Association truly representative of operating community forests.
George Brcko (Wells Gray Community Forest)
John Stace-Smith (Likely Xats’ull Community Forest)
Dave Gill (Westbank Community Forest)
Gord Chipman (Esketemc Community Forest)
Erik Leslie (Harrop-Procter Community Forest)
Don Brown (Logan Lake Community Forest)
Duncan McKellar (Tumbler Ridge Community Forest)
Harley Wright (Lower North Thompson)
Communities Program: A Technical Assistance Opportunity Call for Expressions of Interest
FPInnovations is once again issuing a call for Expressions of Interest to BC Community Forest managers. This year, FPInnovations will again accommodate 2-3 small technical assistance projects ($10,000-$25,000 each) that must be completed by March 31, 2015.
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Other News
National Forest Week
The BCCFA is encouraging all communities to get involved in NFW that takes place September 21-27, 2014. It is a week to focus on celebrating forests, and the values and services they provide for Canada. Each CF will receive a package of material sent from the BC Coalition for local distribution. Please get the information to the right places and people in your community. Additionally, the BC Coalition is seeking to inform teachers of opportunities to have foresters, biologists and/or arborists come to their class or take students on field trips to learn more about forests and the forest environment. Please circulate this letter to all teachers in your area.
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Western Silvicultural Contractors’ Association - Rumour Mill RoundUpDate June 2014 more information
Wood Waste 2 Rural Heat News June 2014 more information