Weeds of the Past

I give up! No matter how much weed killer and fertilizer I place on my lawn, seeds from my neighbors’ dandelions and weeds come floating into my property, sometimes as thick as snow. I’ve considered secretly spraying their lawns with weed killer late at night, but I would probably get caught. I can see the headlines: Night-time Weed Killer Apprehended!
Recently I learned of a way to get rid of weeds without using chemicals. It’s really quite simple. The idea comes from a master gardener who has been using this process for years. He simply applies more grass seed to his lawn each year. By growing a thicker and healthier lawn, the weeds can’t grow. The good, thick grass chokes out the weeds!
This reminds me of Peter’s admonition in his first letter:
Seeing you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto a sincere love of the brethren, love one another with a pure heart fervently: Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which lives and abides for ever (1 Peter 1; 22,23).

Once you have experienced the new birth, the most important decision you can make is to have the Word of God a top priority in your life. Because I have plenty of “weeds” from the first 22 years of life without Christ, it is important that I continue to replace “corruptible” seed with “incorruptible.” The saturation of the Word enables me to choke out the weeds of my past, which provides fertile ground for fruit to grow.

Often, Christians spend too much time trying to figure out their past in order to move forward into a God-blessed future. They are weighted down and held in bondage by people who seem to be big and a God who remains small. They go from counselor to counselor trying to understand how past baggage is influencing their present choices.
While this may be helpful, unless good seed is continually being sown, weeds will stunt their growth. When I think about I Peter 1:22,23, I see a prescription for overcoming these ungodly weeds:


  1. Purify your souls by obeying the truth
  2. Have a sincere love toward others Christians
  3. Love fervently not just in word but in deed
  4. Demonstrate that your life has been reseeded and growth is occurring through the incorruptible and living Word of God

The more seeds that are sown, the more your mind will be set on things above and the less preoccupied you will be with the weeds of your past.

Making ready a people prepared for the Lord,
Mark Hamby 
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