This is an update from the Anderson Family serving with Wycliffe.
Anderson Family Latest
First day of School for Joshua and Jonah

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“for the ministry of David and
DeAnna Anderson - Account No. - 219158”
Anderson family at Deerbrook

Prayer Corner

Power of Prayer
Knowing that you are praying is a great encouragement!  Your prayers make a difference in our lives and work.
“Good news from far away is like cold water to the thirsty.” Proverbs 25:25 (NLT)


Dear Friend,

God Uses Fried Plantains
Rosalie is a 64 year old widowed woman who spends several hours every Thursday cutting plantains in the hot, equatorial sun into thin rounds before frying them up over a hot oil-filled pot.  She’s making her tasty plantain chips to sell in order to make money to feed her family.  DeAnna has been helping Rosalie with her plantain chip business since 2011.  They have built a relationship.  DeAnna acts as Rosalie’s bank so she can save the little profit she receives from her chips.  Rosalie loves the Lord and lavishes her love on others.  Frequently she slips DeAnna a bag of plantain chips when they hug and gives her a kiss on the cheek.  She also gives DeAnna avocados when they are in season from her tree and makes peanut butter.  She’s expressing her love in practical ways.

Falling Out of a Mango Tree and Breaking a Leg is a Blessing
Joshua Glenn, Rosalie’s 9 year old grandson, was picking mangoes out of a tree when he fell, tumbling to the ground.  He couldn’t bear weight on his leg.  He didn’t want to tell his grandma what happened.  Joshua Glenn was abandoned by his mother at birth and Rosalie has raised him as her own son ever since.  Rosalie knew he needed medical attention.  She took him to get an x-ray.  The x-ray revealed a badly broken leg around the knee.  His leg continued to swell and they couldn’t cast it.  Additional x-rays revealed a more serious problem.  Rosalie took him to a doctor she thought she could trust more with her grandson.  It was discovered he had a cancerous tumor.  The fall from the tree allowed space in the broken pieces of his leg for the tumor to reveal itself.  He now undergoes chemotherapy treatments every 20 days.  Rosalie has a network of plantain chip customers who are praying and helping with the medical expenses.
You are a partner with us in ministry.  You are helping Rosalie.  The Lord uses you and us together for His purposes.  Thank you for your partnership!
2013-14 School Year is finished!
Joshua finished fifth grade well at the mission co-op school.  Jonah finished third grade well at homeschool.  We are proud of both of them for their hard work and perseverance.  Joshua was awarded perfect attendance.
Creepy, Crawlies
We had a creepy, crawly bug in the house known as a Creechy bug.  Do not slap the creechy bug or you will sustain a battery acid type burn.


Don’t forget to check out our personal blog.

Thank you,

David, DeAnna, Joshua and Jonah Anderson
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