
Cochrane Oral Health Group eNewsletter | June 2014

Cochrane Oral Health Group

Watch our new video about COHG's work

We recently launched our new video on YouTube, showcasing the work of the Group and the Global Alliance, featuring joint Co-ordinating Editors Professors Helen Worthington and Jan Clarkson, Editors Anne-Marie Glenny and Philip Riley, and faculty from our Global Alliance Partners at New York University.
Asking whether a powered toothbrush really is better, whether flossing actually works, how often you should see the dentist and what really works to prevent tooth decay, COHG tackles all these common queries and the more serious oral conditions affecting 3.9 billion people worldwide.

Please use the following link to share the video with your colleagues and patients:

Furthermore, COHG has launched an evidence summaries section of the website for patients to use to inform their decision-making. The first section is on tooth decay/caries, with other areas of concern to be added in the near future.

Please click on the link to find out more:

Prioritisation of reviews

Cochrane Oral Health Group is conducting an extensive prioritisation exercise during 2014 to define a core portfolio of clinically important titles to maintain on The Cochrane Library.
To date in the prioritisation process, COHG has defined 8 specialties (orthodontics, paediatrics, restorative, periodontology, oral surgery, oral medicine, dental public health, cleft lip and palate), fit 200+ existing titles within the scope of those specialties, and has subsequently asked authors from each respective specialty to rank them in terms of importance.

These ranked results from COHG authors are to be ratified and discussed by specialty-specific expert panels in August 2014. In the interim, COHG welcomes feedback from the public and clinicians on the initial ranked results. The feedback COHG receives will be used to add depth to the expert panel discussions.

Discussion documents for feedback
- Restorative dentistry
- Periodontology
- Oral surgery
- Oral medicine
- Dental public health
- Cleft lip & palate

Please take a few minutes to read through each specialty's initial ranked results, and return any comments you might have via the webform or by email to by Friday 1 August 2014.

We will share the outcomes of this extensive prioritisation process by the end of 2014. COHG intends to see the outcomes of this process fully implemented by 2016.

Recent publications on The Cochrane Library

Cochrane Oral Health Group publishes its reviews, updates and protocols within The Cochrane Library.

The most recent issue of The Cochrane Library was Issue 5, released in May 2014. Within it, COHG published:
Updated review (Conclusions changed)
- Interventions for replacing missing teeth: augmentation procedures of the maxillary sinus
Esposito M, Felice P, Worthington HV.
New protocol
- Management of gag reflex for patients undergoing dental treatment
Eachempati P, Kumbargere Nagraj S, Renjith George P, Karanth L, Soe HHK.

A full list of all published oral health review titles to date can be found here.

Global Alliance contributors

The following organisations have generously provided funding for the Cochrane Oral Health Group Global Alliance to enable COHG to deliver important/priority reviews in a more timely manner by increasing methodological capacity at the editorial base:

We are immensely grateful to them for their contributions.

Additionally, the British Association for the Study of Community Dentistry, UK is in the process of becoming a member of the Global Alliance.
Cochrane OHG's blog
If you would like to send any comments, suggestions or a contribution, please contact the COHG Newsletter Editor.

COHG are presenting a workshop, oral sessions and a poster at IADR 91st General Session & Exhibition takes place from 25 to 28 June 2014 in Cape Town, South Africa.

If you are attending the event, please feel free to attend these events. Details follow beneath:

- Cochrane Reviews: Help Make Them Useful, Useable and Used
Hands on Workshop presented by Helen Worthington, Jan Clarkson, Anne-Marie Glenny, Tanya Walsh, Thomas Lamont and May Wong
- Thursday 26 June 2014: 10.45am-12.15pm in Meeting Room 2.44 (CTICC Convention Center)

- Prioritisation of reviews of the Cochrane Oral Health Group
Oral Presentation Session presented by Tanya Walsh, Helen Worthington, Jan Clarkson and Anne-Marie Glenny
- Friday 27 June 2014: 8.00 am in Meeting Room 1.43 (CTICC Convention Center)

- Synthesis of multiple Cochrane review meta-analyses for patients' oral self-care
Oral Presentation Session presented by Phil Riley, Helen Worthington, Jan Clarkson and Anne-Marie Glenny
- Friday 27 June 2014: 8.15am in Meeting Room 1.43 (CTICC Convention Center)

- Can Dental Care Professionals Screen For Common Dental Diseases?
Poster Presentation Session presented by Richard Macey, Anne-Marie Glenny, Helen Worthington, Martin Tickle and Paul Brocklehurst
- Friday 27 June 2014: 2 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. in Exhibition Hall 4A (CTICC Convention Center)

Next title consideration meeting for The Cochrane Library

If you would like to submit a new title proposal for consideration at the next new titles meeting in October 2014, please follow these instructions:
- Fill in a review proposal form, which can be found here:[DOC]
- Include PDF copies of at least two randomized controlled trials which meet the inclusion criteria of the proposed review
- Include a CV from the lead author
- Email the documents to:

Download the GA information pack here. Please contact Jo Weldon for further information.

COHG receives NIHR support. Please click for further information
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