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Strikers has been released!

Ebook and Paperback are available! Three chances to win a signed copy for yourself.

Chance 1: The Goodreads Giveaway ends tomorrow so click over here and sign up for a chance to win one.
Chance 2: If you're getting this newsletter in your email, then you're already in the bucket for the drawing for a signed copy drawing just for newsletter subscribers. I'll email the person who wins within the next day or two and let them know. 
Chance 3: Help me get the word out! Anyone who posts on FB or Twitter (or other popular social network) to promote the book (that would mean a link to the Amazon page) will get into another pool for a drawing for one more signed copy. You can do this easily by going to my FB page and just "sharing" my Strikers launch post. After you share, be sure to let me know on my original post.

No one should feel in any way obligated! You are all still tops in my book. 

In other news: Stay tuned everyone because the Robots are coming. A new anthology with yours truly, along with crazy great authors like Hugh Howey and Matthew Mather is soon to be released. It's called The Robot Chronicles. It should be out on the 25th of July. ARCs are super limited for this release. We were all only given permission for 5 ARCs...that's it. And they will only go out about 5 days before the release. I have two left. Anyone want one?
Copyright © 2014 Ann Christy - Author, All rights reserved.

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