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CSD surveys

As the professional body for design, the Society provides an accreditation programme that meets the needs of the profession and the industry, encouraging and enabling design education to deliver fit for purpose design learning for the benefit of all involved.
CSD Student Satisfaction Survey 2014
The CSD Student Satisfaction Survey was designed  to identify best practice in design education, as well as highlighting aspects that require improvements.
This Spring the Society focused its resources on surveying the services provided for design students at universities within the UK. We conducted a number of case studies and in depth interviews of students in a range of design fields, to get their views on the aspects of design education that they think need improvement, as well as highlighting successes and where progress has been made. These interviews identified some areas of concern that we will be addressing with those in design education under the umbrella of the CSD Course Endorsement Programme (CEP).

Crucial points taken from these interviews pointed towards a lack of contact hours on design courses. Some students documented poor structure within their courses. They also highlighted contact hours and career guidance as areas that they felt required improvement.

“I am very disappointed with the lack of support provided for after University. The tutors did not offer any advice or direction and there was too much focus on assignments and not enough preparation for the future.”
Textile Design Student, London

It was also noted that there was little awareness of the external resources available to students of design, one student said:

“I feel I have missed a lot of opportunities through lack of information from the course tutors”
Fashion Illustration Student, London

The survey was conducted across a wide spectrum of design courses in all subjects (Fig 1) in order to gauge students’ satisfaction. We received responses not only from students on CSD Accredited courses, but also from design courses accredited by other bodies and courses with no accreditation.

Fig 1: survey participants by design field

With the recent increase in University fees in 2012, we were aware that the value of University courses is under a degree of scrutiny by prospective students. We specifically asked design students whether they were satisfied with the amount of contact hours they received on their course and found that 53.4% were not satisfied. When considering the career guidance on offer to them through their University, more than half of respondents (54%) were not satisfied with the quality or quantity of information they had received.

When investigating the actual content on design curriculum we found a gap in the awareness or knowledge gained in respect of  designers’ rights, legal matters and in particular intellectual property rights. These aspects have become increasingly important in recent years, inespecially with the introduction of the Intellectual Property Act 2014 in  May, strengthening protection for the UK’s design sector. From our survey we found 100% of respondents who attended CSD Accredited or CSD Recognised courses had gained awareness of these issues on their course, but from the overall data less than 40% of design students had received any guidance on designers’ rights and IP. As part of the CSD Accreditation programme, each course is mapped against the criteria of the CSD Genetic Matrix, and developing an awareness of intellectual property is an integral requirement  of the course content. The Society believes that an understanding of intellectual property, at an early stage of a design career, is paramount in understanding the legal issues that designers in their working environment and in monetising their creativity.

A number of other student surveys have been carried out this year. The Times Higher Education Student Experience Survey 2014 polled 14,300 students on their satisfaction of 21 features of University life. These factors included facilities, cost of service, staff, social life and accommodation, with all factors identified and selected by the students themselves. This year’s top spot was taken by the University of Sheffield, having secured excellent ratings across all areas, with notably strong scores in students’ social life, student union and the quality of facilities and accommodation. Looking at more traditional indicators, the University ranked highly across academic aspects, coming third behind Cambridge and Oxford as a result of  the structure of its courses, proving itself to be a good all-rounder University. The improvements in Sheffield University life came after an initiative to involve students more in the decision making process and clearly worked.

The Chartered Society of Designers works alongside universities and formally recognises excellence in both design teaching and study throughout design education within its CEP and  currently accredits and recognises 11 design courses in the UK within five universities; of these Nottingham Trent University (NTU) climbed an impressive 18 places from last year, becoming one of the top 40 universities in the UK according to the Times survey. NTU and Plymouth University achieved above average scores of 20 out of 22 and 15 out of 22 of the considered criteria(respectively). All of the universities within the CSD CEP achieved above average scores for  ‘good relationships with teaching staff’, and 75% scored above average for satisfaction of the campus environment, security, and work load.

The Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI), an independent charity devoted to higher education, conducted a further Student Academic Experience Survey in 2014 (Fig 2). It revealed details on students' wellbeing and experiences in English institutions. According to the survey more than one third of students believed that their course represented ‘very poor’ or ‘poor’ value for money. When asked their priorities 55% (of 1st and 2nd year students) chose reducing fee levels as their number 1 priority (48% overall) whilst 35% chose teaching hours and smaller group sizes. The results showed that hours of study can vary by up to 25 hours a week depending on the course, with the average number of contact hours being 14.2 hours per week, which is less than three quarters of the 40 hours a week set out in the Quality Assurance Agency Guidelines.

Fig 2: HEPI Student Academic Experience Survey 2014

Better training for lecturers was identified as a priority by 34% of respondents and is an area the Society is keen to help support, requiring structured staff CPD as part of its accreditation proposition as well as promoting research active staff. The Society also recommends students to request staff CVs as part of their research into deciding which design course to apply for.

As the professional body for design, the Society provides an accreditation program that meets the needs of the profession and the industry, encouraging, supporting and enabling design education to deliver fit for purpose design learning for the benefit of all those involved. By ensuring that design courses meet this core criteria value is added to the academic qualification and the student experience.

For further details about the CSD CEP please email
For the full results of the HEPI survey click here
For The Times survey results click here. 
CSD News
Interior Design FollowUp
In our article ‘Interior Design Pathway’ earlier this year, David Callcott FCSD, President of CSD retraced his pathway as an interior designer through his membership of the Incorporated Institute of British Decorators (IIBD) followed by membership of the British Institute of Interior Design (BIID) and finally as a member of the Society when it took over the BIID in 1988.
The article prompted a lot of interest from previous members of BIID including past Presidents keen to recount their experiences of the merger and offer stories and insights into what was at the time a very worthy institution.
As a result of this interest, the Society will be hosting a reunion of past members of the British Institute of Interior Design and those who were instrumental in bringing the institute under the banner of the Chartered Society of Designers. At the same time the Society will announce an exciting new initiative resulting from the merger.
Full details will be made available nearer the event which will be held in the autumn. If you were a member of BIID or of the CSD Inscape Group incorporating the British Institute of Interior Design that was formed after the merger then please get in touch by emailing
CSD Profile
“Go where the work is and fill up your portfolios! "
Logan MacWatt FCSD
Interior Design
Logan MacWatt FCSD, managing director of Aedas Interiors Ltd, currently based in Hong Kong.
Logan has been a practicing Interior Designer for more than 30 years. His work spans a wide range of sectors and he has delivered projects throughout Europe, the Middle East and Asia, currently settling in Hong Kong. As the current Managing Director of Aedas Interiors Ltd. the company has grown to be a well-respected Interior Design consultancy with over 240 interior designers and an extensive and impressive list of clients. His innovative retail designs have ensured he and Aedas offer a unique customer experience and specialist retail, hotel, resort and workplace services.

Logan’s pathway to interior design stemmed from a passion for Art at school. “I was fortunate to attend schools with strong Art departments and enthusiastic Art teachers which allowed and encouraged me to pursue my early passion in art, encompassing drawing, pottery and sculpture.”

After completing a Foundation Course, he continued his design education at The University of Leicester, where he originally planned to study Sculpture but had a last minute change of heart and enrolled in Three Dimensional Design BA (Hons). Following his graduation he gained work experience in the UK then expanded his reach to Italy, the Middle East and finally to Asia. “I visited Hong Kong on a rugby tour and was instantly attracted to the energy and buzz of the City which also had plenty of work opportunities.”

Finding a job almost immediately, Logan was involved with a number of larger scale projects. Due to the nature of the city of Hong Kong he was exposed to a huge diversity and scale of projects in a fast track fashion, which very quickly expanded his creativity, expertise and knowledge.

“The main challenge I experienced was the inability of local fit out contractors to achieve well-built and high end quality projects – snagging lists ran to many pages!  My approach to overcome the poor build quality was to research, identify and specify materials which were more proprietary in nature and more easily understood by the local contractors.  This approach directly led to greatly improved build quality of my projects.”
His ambition was to increase his creativity, which lead him to travel worldwide following work opportunities. He stands by this attitude and suggests that new graduates do the same. He says, “Go where the work is and fill up your portfolios!  I have been fortunate to work and live in Hong Kong, where work is in abundance.”

Logan believes that the Chartered Society of Designers has helped him with his professional career. He says, “I appreciate the CSD as it is a professional organisation rather than some other non-professional organizations formed by manufacturers / suppliers with the sole purpose of being commercial.”
Discover more about Logan MacWatt FCSD, and contact him here
CSD Awards
Congratulations to all of this year's CSD Student Award Winners!
CSD Student Awards 2014
The CSD Student Awards are presented every year to a student from each of the design courses within the Society's Course Endorsement Programme.
The CSD Course Endorsement Programme formally recognises excellence in both design teaching and study throughout design education. The programme was established to differentiate and support those courses which clearly prepare and develop students to practice design to the highest professional standards.

The award is given to the student that has demonstrated exceptional work throughout the whole of their course. This year 10 awards were presented at the universities of Nottingham Trent, Derby, Plymouth and Chelsea School of Arts.

CSD Student Award Winners 2014

Nottingham Trent University

BA(Hons) Decorative Arts
Deborah Burke
"With an interest in the construction and deconstruction of objects I use the medium of ceramics to explore ways in which mould-making can offer narrative to a form of three-dimensional print making. I am drawn to texture and enjoy developing surfaces through mark-making and material exploration."

Presented to Deborah by Darren Seymour MCSD from Stocks Taylor Benson.

BA(Hons) Product Design
Nicole Crentsil
"My first interaction with design began at the tender age of 6. My mother who is a trained seamstress taught me how to sew and this defined a new passion for craft and design. This further lead to the study of design at GCSE then at A-Level and finally to my degree in BA Product Design. I've always been involved in design and the built environment. From placements with textiles studios, to working with reclaimed materials and furniture my decision to study Product Design was clearly defined. Alongside my passion for design I have a great understanding for the business world and how this marries with the design industry which led me to undertake a very business approach to my design research. I engrossed myself in understanding the strategies behind developing a product from conceptualization to realization. How a simple idea could become a successful product / service that may change the industry all together. My studies at NTU simply enticed me to further pursue a career in this industry. My goals for the future would be to continue to grow, learn and develop my understanding of the industry, to find a way to make a dynamic mark and inspire others the way I was inspired myself."

Presented to Nicole by Richard Thorpe MCSD from CPMG Architects.

"Asanka is a beautifully handmade concrete bowl perfect for fresh fruit & vegetables. It’s ash lid functions as a chopping board, ideally practical for the modern kitchen. The diversification of concrete as a raw organic material poetically juxtaposes its perceived usability. By exemplifying the potential for beauty & quality, Asanka challenges an everyday material in a new context."

BA(Hons) Furniture & Product Design
Danny Lynch
"As a designer I have always been interested in learning about manufacturing processes and materials, I used my final year to explore these interests and based my projects around the use of specific materials (Cast Aluminium/ Mild Sheet Steel) and manufacturing processes (Sand Casting Aluminium/ Water Jet Cutting). I think for the future I would love to carry on learning about and experimenting with different materials to produce interesting pieces of furniture/products. I want to own my studio/ workshop and work on my own projects and also commissioned work."

Presented to Danny by Richard Thorpe MCSD from CPMG Architects.

Table: Al-27 is a high-end cast aluminium desk designed to visually showcase the sand casting process. Its minimal form is supported by a lattice structure which features on the underside of the desk top and legs. The dimensions of the design allow it to be used as a large office desk or a small four person dining table.

Desk Lamp: A-001 is a desk top lamp produced from sheet mild steel that is purchased in flat pack form and assembled by the consumer without the use of tools. It draws its power from a USB connection and utilizes LED's as a light source and is available in a variety of finishes. Its minimal design lends itself to mass manufacture and easy distribution. 

BA(Hons) Textile Design
Jessica Lynch
"I have always been passionate about colour, pattern and texture which is what led me towards textiles. I decided to study textile design so that I could gain a broad knowledge of the pattern, production and construction of fabric."

Presented to Jessica by Darren Seymour MCSD from Stocks Taylor Benson.

"In my final project I was able to combine my passion and knowledge to design and weave a small range of horsewear. I used contemporary city architecture as my inspiration for geometric, woven, jacquard designs. This, along with bright, bold colours, deliberately contrasts with the traditional rural world of horses."

BA(Hons) Graphic Design
Joshua Mulcahy
"All of my work is inspired by political and cultural events. I feel it is important to expose such information visually so that all can access it, not just those with an academic education such as myself. Visiting countries such as Ghana, I also acknowledged how visual language can transcend variable language barriers. The highlight of my university experience was my third year final project. This was because I feel the work best exposed me as, not only a designer, but an individual, swaying from mainstream opinions. The reason I love design is that it has the ability to influence positive change, I just feel that today a lot of designers have lost touch with this fact. Today too many people play it safe making decisions based upon fear and not love, as Ghandi once said ‘Be the change you wish to see in the world’, I feel my final project captured sight of this again.
Currently I have plans to produce short documentaries on ethical projects in Ghana and Germany. Whilst on my travels, I wish to capture numerous cultural differences, exposing the variations that lie within different societies. I also wish to pursue my exhibition style graphic within public spaces as I feel placement within galleries can limit a designs exposure to only a select audience."

Presented to Joshua by Gareth Wyld MCSD independent design consultant.

"Think different is an interpretation of the knowledge that people today respond to brands in a similar fashion to religion. I wanted to highlight flaws that lie within such idealistic opinions, creating a modern stain glass inspired illustration of Steve Jobs, the Messiah of the 'Apple religion'. Manipulating artificial light, each of the 1600 triangles represents a employee who leaves just one of Apples factories every 48hours, due to poor working conditions. Each of the missing triangles is a tribute to the ten employees who took their own life following such conditions. I want to inspire people to look beyond the obvious and think different to the projection of mainstream media."

BA(Hons) Interior Architecture & Design
Chris Smith
"I am a passionate draughtsman who loves to explore ideas and visually communicate design development using free hand sketching. A natural curiosity in how spaces function and an interest in the phenomenology and experiences we have within environments inspired me to pursue a career in interior architecture and design, beginning with the degree at Nottingham Trent University."

Presented to Chris by Richard Thorpe MCSD from CPMG Architects.

"The seaweed farm and restaurant project at Whitby west pier combined spaces for cultivation and consumption of a natural resource whilst capitalising on changing weather conditions and providing a innovative year round tourist attraction."

BA(Hons) Theatre Design
Jesca Warren
"The performing arts have always been a source of inspiration for me, with its varied forms of expression. I enjoy designing for all narratives, especially ones that take an audience on a journey. Creating a ‘world’ to allow performers to express a story. I aspire to design for dance, physical theatre and movement orientated pieces."

Presented to Jesca by Gareth Wyld MCSD independent design consultant.

"The design projects that featured in my portfolio included set and costume designs for the plays 'Touched' by Stephen Lowe, and ‘Twelfth Night’ a favourite Shakespearian play of mine. I was inspired by the foolery, lust and lavish, excess nature of the characters in Twelfth night. I took a conceptual approach for both plays and was inspired by the nuances in each script."
Derby University

BA(Hons) Architectural Venue Design
Natalie North

Presented to Natalie by Chris Ramsden FCSD Immediate Past President of CSD.

"String Wall: The Silk Mill has been running a 'Remake' project this year where they enlist the help of the community to redesign and remake the museum after it's closure. I have been going to the workshops since the initial discussions and as the project developed I took ownership of one of the elements; String Wall. The museum decided that they would like something that could divide the space without visually closing it down. They had a precedent image they wanted as a starting point of an art installation using taught strings.

Performance installation: As part of a Tactical Place Making proposal I developed for my final year degree project I wanted to develop a real time intervention in to the fabric of Derby City to further my knowledge of Tactical Place Making. This Performance Installation was designed using the principles of Tactical Place Making and created entirely through recycled materials (the LEDs being the exception).

Degree show installation: This project forms an element of the Tactical Place Making Proposal I have developed for my final project, this is one of the real time projects I installed. The concept for my entire project is one of juxtaposition; I feel that by installing pieces that contrast highly with the existing fabric of the site will encourage people to stop and re-examine what is already there. To adapt the sails for this project and to work on this concept I worked on exaggerating their geometry with folding and bending; I did this through manipulation of paper copies of the 1:20 sails from the original model."

Plymouth University

BA(Hons) 3D Design: Product designer
James Forrest
"Initially working solely in the area of product design I have now come to develop a keen interest into that of user interaction and graphic design, these alongside others have helped me become a more complete designer with a broader look on the topic. I strive to push my limits and question details, regardless of their scale, until a result that I can be truly happy with has been reached. Throughout my time at Plymouth University I have approached design problems in a variety of ways, more often than not, I have taken a Holistic approach, creating products that are user centred so that they can truly fit into their lifestyles. I find working with, or around others key as it can help push me forward in my development as a result of another person's point of view. I also enjoy sharing my views with others on their projects as not only does it allow me to gain an insight into their work but it sometimes can open doors for my own work. I am aiming to push forward my passion for 'creating' further and further to reveal opportunities that will help my professional career develop."

Presented to James by Helen Wyatt MCSD from Bailey Partnership.

"Minima is a new ecological brand that delivers the most economically packaged domestic appliances to consumers. Flat packed domestic appliances are unique to Minima. This format will enable self-assembly which will help build a relationship between consumers and their products to give them a sense of sentimentality, in addition to encouraging repair."

University of the Arts London: Chelsea

FDA Interior Design
Valdone Porcheddu
"I was born in Lithuania and I belong to the first generation to live in democracy, following my country’s independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. Freedom of both nation and individual is the flashpoint where my creativity emerges, where pain and dependency fades. Socio-cultural allusions, resulting from the clash of conflicting political structures have deepened my awareness of the design process that brings different objects together to create closeness and eradicate conflicts. Antagonisms are softened when creative energy exposes entities and revolves around them. It thus begins a process that introduces order and harmony like those we find in nature.
I like the intensity of personal involvement in a design process, whether it leads to progress or a dead end. It is all about learning. Learning to fly for instance has been a remarkable way of delving into my own human potential. The rigid rules and discipline of this process ultimately give birth to the somewhat artistic beauty of flying. This is not the domination of the man over physics and gravity, but the embodiment of an active process of working in unison with the forces of nature. The state of utmost control that the self as a pilot maintains with the airplane generates creativity and elation whilst problems are being solved. Fascinated with the process of resolving technical issues flawlessly, my identity as a designer develops through the creation of interactions between the original objects I produce.

My advice to students: You will have the opportunity to develop a highly personal working process in a design course, which is an invaluable experience. However it is equally important that you understand the demanding nature of the collaborative process when working in teams. Your drive to achieve more would grow a lot faster in well-balanced design teams and it is certainly more fun. My advice would be that you recognize the talent of others in your course and acknowledge that everyone is a necessary part in a design process, and that carefully cultivated attitude will help you to expand your own identity and achieve the best results in your teams."

Presented to Valdone by David Callcott FCSD, CSD President.

12 GENIES 1:20 | 2014 Temporary architecture installed in Dalston Square. The purpose of the project was to explore conditions of isolation between two random participants as well as to make a comment on existing visible and invisible forms of trade within Dalston area. The two rooms would address the situation by eliminating inherent judgments.

AXIS 1:1 | 2011 Diorama “Axis” represents a scene of spatial manipulation through spatial perspective taking. A scene inside is reproduced with shining lights, thereby affecting the viewer’s perceptual ability to distinguish the dimensions of the space.
LAZYBONES 1:1 | 2012 Exploration of narrative possibilities between user and object, creating a strong link between human habits and a surrounding environment, by building strong connection between function and balance.

Naoto Fukasawa
Published by Phaidon
Naoto Fukasawa published by Phaidon. CSD members can buy the book for a special price of £22.46 including UK mainland delivery (overseas costs available on request) using the promotional code in the members’ area of the CSD website. Offer is subject to availability and runs until 31st July 2014.
Naoto Fukasawa is probably Japan’s best known product designer and a major figure in design practice.  The book charts Fukasawa’s progress from Working within Ideo in the US to his collaboration with Muji and  the formation of his own design practice in 2003.  His design is well known for its simplicity and this is reflected on this first monograph where his approach without thought is explained in great detail. At a glance readers will immediately recognise the products shown even if they have never heard the name Fukasawa.
The book opens with an introduction by Fukasawa, not talking about himself or his designs but about people’s behaviour in a manmade environment where things have gone wrong: cigarettes stubbed out on Braille pads, bicycle baskets used as rubbish bins or even pedestrians, so focused on their handsets, that they walk intuitively on the line of bumpy safety tiles in trains stations to safely guide them through the crowds. A line of safety tiles, originally designed to warn the visually impaired not to go too close to the edge of the platform, which has been adopted by a different group as a safety device although one-way traffic is strongly recommended. 
His designs irradiate simplicity, only achieved after a complexity of observation, thought processes and analysis of people and their complex behaviour which offer solutions that accommodate day to day interaction with products and environments and are therefore absorbed intuitively by the user.  The book shows several examples of Fukasawa's work where his insights bring about a simple solution:  why do we need an umbrella stand when we could have a simple groove a few centimetres from the wall housing the tip of wet umbrellas?  Another example is his lamp designed with a switch near its base which can be used as a tray for keys, coins and objects from pockets when arriving home, the natural behaviour of emptying the pocket on arrival, the transition from the outer environment to the inner personal space.
Some designs may appear frivolous, the bag that sports a sole and heel emulating footwear, or the juice skins packaging. However they still display the joy Fukasawa clearly has in playing with colour, space, perspective and scale in creating illusions which become reality as his audience embraces and uses them as everyday objects.
Fukasawa designs in response to people’s behaviour and not in an attempt to alter it. Read this book and you will never be able to take a shower again without trying to work out how to illuminate one of the tiles or try to imagine an LED display without a supporting frame. You will certainly remember his name.
CSD reviews
Make Your Own Luck
by Kate Moross
Make Your Own Luck by Kate Moross. Published by Prestel, designed by Praline. CSD members can buy the book for a special price of £16.87 including UK mainland delivery (overseas costs available on request) using the promotional code in the members’ area of the CSD website. Offer is subject to availability and runs until 31st July 2014.
Kate Moross is a London based graphic designer, illustrator and art director with a vibrant and successful career in a highly competitive field.  Now adding the title of ‘author’ to what seems like a limitless list of talents, her book offers a survival guide for creatives. With a foreword by Neville Brody, internationally renowned designer, typographer, art director and close friend of Moross, ‘Make Your Own Luck’ provides a 224 page retrospective of the milestones which shaped her career. With an ‘if in doubt ‘Google it’, ‘find a YouTube tutorial’ or ‘ask a friend’ attitude, Moross has worked her way through a diverse range of design exploits. Her book showcases her pathway to success via a colourful labyrinth of work, including 250 colour illustrations and a guest list of collaborators most artists could only dream of. It’s a refreshingly honest insight into not only the successes but also the struggles in her career.

She tackles the questions which all creatives need answered, with a down to earth approach, from ‘self-promotion’ and ‘surviving art school’, to ‘copyrights and copywrongs’. Moross fell into the freelance world before she realised what it meant to be a designer, she took on any role she could, “if there was a creative job to be done, I was the first one to volunteer”. It was this enthusiasm along with her passion for music that led her to a world of flyers, logos, photography and avatars, bringing design to different music related areas. For Moross design was instinctive; no job was too small…or too big for that matter and word travelled fast in the music scene. She became the “go-to person for design work” with her vast portfolio of work leading to huge opportunities with companies such as Topshop, Adidas and Nokia. ‘Make Your Own Luck’ is an essential read for those tempted to brave the design industry and documents the sometimes harsh reality of succeeding in such a competitive domain. Her “guidebook-come-memoir” offers an inspiring story for creatives of all stripes, proving to those facing the feisty world of design that, with a bit of luck, it is possible to succeed.
Events & Offers
New Designers Part 2
2nd – 5th July
New Designers will bring you face to face with over 3,000 of this year’s most talented design graduates from the UK’s leading art and design courses. Visit Part 2 for furniture and product design, illustration and motion arts.
Textprint London
9th – 10th July
Promoting the UK's most talented textile design graduates with the support of industry professionals worldwide.
Design Futures: Material Innovation (Design Museum)
15th July 8pm
Mark Miodownik, Director at the Institute of Making, questions the importance of new materials. Talking to Designs of the Year nominees Benjamin Hubert, Sadie Williams and Mauricio Affonso, this panel discusses how materials, and new approaches to materials, are widening design possibilities.
London Design Festival
12th - 21st September
The London Design Festival is an annual event, held to celebrate and promote London as the design capital of the world, and as the gateway to the international creative community. Held in many different places, and over 300 events in total, there is more than one day's worth of viewing to be done and is best to plan ahead. 

100% Design
17th - 20th September
Held at Earls Court Exhibition Centre, 100% design is officially the UK’s largest design trade event including architects, interior designer, retailers and designers.
© Chartered Society of Designers 2014
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The Chartered Society of Designers is a registered charity incorporated under a Royal Charter. Our remit is to promote best professional design practice and encourage the study of design. We support and assist designers at all stages of their career. The Society is a founding member of the Hong Kong Design Centre and holds Observer status of WIPO - The World Intellectual Property Organisation.

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