July 3-9, 2014
News from First Congregational Church
an Open and Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ
33 South High Street, Bridgton, Maine
"Take off your sandals, because you are standing on holy ground."
-Exodus 3


Summer is here, and our summer worship schedule begins this week, with worship for all ages beginning at 9:00 a.m., communion for all, and a pot-luck brunch to follow!

If you find that you're up with the really early birds this Sunday, come join me at 8:15 at Highland Lake beach. We'll start our morning by taking off our shoes and planting ourselves, with prayer and song, on God's always-holy ground.

Together this season, we're answering God's call to cherish the earth by honoring all the places that are holy to us. Starting this Sunday, you can pick up a bottle to collect the waters you visit this summer. You're also invited to bring in photographs of yourself standing on the ground that is most holy to you. I hope you'll be with us this Sunday, and all summer long, as our Celebration of  Creation continues!

With hope, and grateful prayers, for this world that God so loves,


Rev. Yael Lachman
Minister, First Congregational Church
Feed Your Spirit and Your Mind 


Books we're reading:

Get Connected


Opportunities for Learning
Thursday mornings, 7:45-8:15
Contemplative Prayer Circle
in the Sanctuary

Thursdays 8:15-9:30
Bible Journeys
Lively, curious reading and conversation about what's in the Bible, what's not, and what it all means for the world today.

All Are Welcome!
First Church Annual Strawberry Breakfast
Saturday July 5th
7:30-10:30 am


Bring your family, friends, and neighbors and join us for pancakes, French toast, biscuits, cereal, and ice cream...all topped with fresh strawberries!

$8 for adults
$3 for children ages 5-19
$2 for children under 4
Get your tickets at the door...

Don't miss this Beloved Bridgton Berry Bonanza!
Come Check Out Our New Lending Library!

Maybe you've noticed the new bookshelf in our foyer? Over the next few weeks, it will be filling up with books for all ages, to help us celebrate a season of summer reading! Please feel free to check out books for as long as you like, and return them when you can...
The First Church Yard Sale
is coming up July 18-19

Please do save your treasures for the First Church Yard Sale! But please don't bring them to church until after July 6th, because we won't have room to store them until then. If you need storage between now and July 6th, or if you'd like to arrange for pickup of a large item, please contact Jeff Frey:
We Hold One Another  
in Love  
and in Prayer
Prayers of Healing and Support for...
Sherry and Al Morrison's granddaughter, Sharalee...Ruth Oberg...Gayle and Mindy Miller...Sherry Morrison...Sherry Morrison's niece, Lorree...Jayne Hamaty's sister-in-law, Becky Bean, who is fighting cancer...Deantha Warner...Laura Cleveland's sister, Marta...Laura Cleveland's friend David, who is fighting cancer....Dick and Barbara Mayo...Oretta Baker's niece, Diane Mason, and Oretta's sister, Valeta...Ken Rollins...Cynthia Scott (Florence Cooper's daughter)...Jack Davis (Carol Davis' grandson)...Shirley Barnes...Steve Stevens...Sandy MacNair...Jo Faust 
Prayers of Courage and Support
for our friends on active duty in the Armed Forces, and their families...
Jordan Vigna...Russell Sanborn...Jimmy DeAngelo...Richard L. Gyure II
Copyright © 2014 First Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, Bridgton, ME, All rights reserved.

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