An update from the UU Humanist Association.

Hello, local group leaders!

Greetings!  We hope that your fall has gotten off to a smashing start.  As you know, over the summer, the HUUmanists became the UU Humanist Association.  Our website address remained the same; we can still be reached at, though you can also type or (interesting trivia -- if you put “ca” at the end instead of “org” you will get a hockey association!)

We have also updated the UU Humanist Association brochure.  You can order copies of it by responding to this email.  Let me know how many copies you need and we’d also love to hear how you plan to use them.  My group is going to ask our congregation to add the brochure to the brochure rack by the entrance to our sanctuary.

Also, keep your eye on our local groups list at  Is the information about your group still correct?  Are you aware of other groups in your District or Region that are not listed?  If so, we would love information about such groups so that we can invite them to add their names to the list.  Are there ways that you can reach out to, and work with, other groups on the list?  Our group invited the members of another group to join us for our Darwin Day potluck dinner last February and we had the leader of a third group as our featured speaker. A new way to find other groups in your area is using the Local Groups Map at It’s encouraging to see the number of map pins grow as we connect with more existing Humanist groups and as new ones are started!

If there are ways that we can help you, please let us know.  We promise that we will let you know when we need your help.

Kind Regards,
Mary Bellamy,
Facilitator of Humanists of UUCF,
Board member and Local Groups Coordinator of the UU Humanist Association

The Unitarian Universalist Humanist Association (formerly HUUmanists) is committed to Humanist principles of reason, compassion, and human fulfillment enumerated in the Humanist Manifestos and in the seven Principles of the Unitarian Universalist Association. We seek (1) to promote a broad acceptance of Humanism in our society, particularly throughout the Unitarian Universalist Association and its congregations, and (2) to provide an active interface between Unitarian Universalists and the secular community.


We are Unitarian Universalists who are also Humanists. We are the principal organization representing Humanists in the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations.

The UU Humanists celebrate and encourage Humanism within Unitarian Universalism and to invite Humanists everywhere to find welcoming and supportive community.

As Humanists, we rely on reason and compassion, rather than supernatural revelation, to guide us in our quest to become more fully human as individuals and to cooperatively improve society and sustain the planet.
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