Circulate widely
BCCFA Executive Director, Jenifer Gunter, presenting to the National Community Forest Symposium, hosted by the Centre for Forest Interdisciplinary Research at the University of Winnipeg
Wildfire Smoke Forecasts for Western Canada
BC Blue Sky Map shows Canada's wildfire smoke forecast
go to the map

Water bomber over Kelowna. Photo by Jonathan Hayward/The Canadian Press 
Bucking birch for veneer in Likely
Photos Marc von der Gonna & Susan Mulkey
Debarking for birch veneer
On the way to the peeler
Peeling and pressing
Veneer stacked and tied for shipment

Summer 2014 Newsletter

Change of coordinates for the BCCFA 
With Jennifer Gunter's recent relocation to Victoria, the BCCFA has a new headquarters location. Undoubtedly, there will be benefits for the BCCFA to have our executive director in Victoria. We wish Jennifer and her family the best with their move. Please take note of the new BCCFA address and phone number. 
New BCCFA Address and Phone Number
130 Government Street
Victoria, BC V8V 2K7
250 384 4110

Introducing the 2014-2015 BCCFA Executive 
President - Don Brown (Logan Lake Community Forest)
Vice President - Erik Leslie (Harrop-Procter Community Forest)
Treasurer - Gord Chipman (Esketemc Community Forest)
Secretary - George Brcko (Wells Gray Community Forest)

The Board would like to welcome Dave Lasser, Operations Manager of Sunshine Coast Community Forest, to the Board. Dave has agreed to fill the empty member-at-large seat for one year, with an option to run for a 2-year term at the next AGM. 

Conference Story Map and Summary Report
Apparently the link to the story map in the last newsletter was was not reliable. Please try this new link provided by Shelley Desautels, GIS Analyst with Forsite Consultants Ltd.who put together the map. go to the story map
A summary of the conference sessions is now available. more information 
The conference presentations and supporting documents can be viewed on the BCCFA website more information

National Forest Week 
BCCFA members will soon be receiving packages from the organizers of the BC Nation Forest Week (NFW) for use in local promotion and events. The BCCFA encourages all communities to get involved in NFW that takes place September 21-27, 2014. Please let us know about any activities in your community. And send photos! more information

The Association of BC Forest Professionals has created links on its website to access great resources and ideas for NFW events in your community. more information 

Kootenay Community Forests and Selkirk College to Offer Training in Forest Industry Building Blocks
more information

Training and trails through a community forest partnership 
Four people are revving up the chainsaws and getting experience in the forestry industry through a Job Creation Partnership with the Lower North Thompson Community Forest Society, thanks to $143,000 in government funding. more information 

Cherryville Community Forest Update more information

Other News

Game Changer: Supreme Court of Canada Tsilhqot’in Nation Decision
In a unanimous decision the Court declared that the Tsilhqot’in Nation, holds Aboriginal title over certain lands in central interior British Columbia, the first declaration of its kind in judicial history.  In reaching this decision, the Court clarified the nature of Aboriginal title and the test for proving it. How the decision will be demonstrated on the forest land base will be a focus of discussion in the coming months and years. One community forest manager wrote, " It is premature to understand the implications outside the title area. I have heard no feedback from the Band (half owner) other than they are trying to understand it themselves."

Here are some links to a range of analysis on the ruling. 
Tsilhqot'in v. British Columbia: The Outcome and the Implications - Bull Housser & Tupper LLP more information
The Landmark Tsilhqot’in Nation Decision: What it Means for Project Developers in Canada -  Davis LLP more information  
The Supreme Court’s B.C. land-title decision? It’s more important than you think - Bob Rae more information
Land rulings a clear message to Ottawa, provinces: It’s time to govern - Thomas Isaac, Aboriginal Law Group at Osler, Hoskin and Harcourt  more information
Supreme Court’s Tsilhqot’in First Nation land title ruling boosts uncertainty in Canada’s natural resource sectors - Ravina Bains and Niels Veldhuis, Special to the Financial Post more information

Forest Education Resources
Thanks to Bill Bourgeois for circulating these links.
  • Port Alberni educator Ryan Dvorak combines natural resource management with the Grade 9 curriculum to create transformational learning opportunities more information
  • Charles Bloom High School – Vernon more information
  • South Coast Conservation Program - Species at Risk in the Classroom program more information
June Update from Minister Thomson more information

Federation of BC Woodlot Associations - Woodlot Communicator May- June 2014 more information 

Western Silvicultural Contractors’ Association - Rumour Mill RoundUpDate July 2014 more information

UBC Faculty of Forestry Co-op Presentation Night more information

Forest Practices Board Eye on BC's Forest Newsletter - Summer 2014 more information

Private Forest Landowners Association Newsletter more information 

Wood Waste to Rural Heat July 2014 Newsletter more information 


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