We are a diverse community growing in the presence of the living Jesus, proclaiming the gospel and seeking to connect with the wider community and each other, through faith, worship and service.

News from the Anglican Parish of Huntley

Parish Office: (613)839-3195 *

Toddlers in the Garden...

JustFoods held an awesome workshop for 2 - 4 year olds in our Garden. They planted seeds, searched for bugs and got their hands dirty.

This program was offered for free and included the entire Nursery School!

Thanks to Holly Graven for arranging this special community event in the Daily Bread Garden!

As you know we are looking for is more involvement from the community throughout the week (most especially Wednesday's starting at 4pm). If you can join us we would love to see you. We are particularly interested in hearing from you as we talk about the best ways for this garden to be used throughout this summer and fall and in the years to come. We are currently applying for a grant for four more garden boxes in 2015 and need some interested parishioners to proceed with this exciting ministry!

Please contact Holly Graven at to talk about how you can support the Daily Bread Garden and join us this Wednesday at 4pm (at 3774 Carp Road, behind St. James Anglican)

And now a Workshop for the grown-ups...

The next Daily Bread Garden workshop will be aimed at adults who would like to learn about Seed Saving!

On Wednesday, August 20th at 6pm (in the Daily Bread Garden) Telsing Andrews will be facilitating the next workshop on Wednesday August 20 at 6pm. 

"Learn the basics of the four easy-to-save vegetable seeds: lettuce, beans, peas and tomatoes in this interactive workshop. With this foundation not only will you be able to save heritage varieties and adapt them to grow well in your own garden conditions but you will learn techniques that you can use to save other seeds such as winnowing and threshing.

Participants must be registered.
Please contact Holly Graven to register at Please feel free to invite anyone who might be interested!

Get Ready for September & October

I know it is only July but time is flying by! Here are some things to keep in mind:

Back to School Daily Bread Garden Open House
Saturday, September 6th from 10am - 2pm
Location: The Daily Bread Garden (on the back lawn at the Parish Hall/St. James property)
Join us at the garden for some snacks made from the garden, recipes for school lunches, and helpful family information from Ottawa Public Health and more! We will also have a Slow-Cooker Cooking Class brought to us by Ottawa Public Health

Blessing of the Back to School Back-Packs and Regular Service Schedule Resumes
Sunday, September 7th 
Location: All three churches will bless back-packs!
Kids (of all ages) are invited to bring their back-packs for a blessing and prayer for the school year.
We encourage you also to bring any extra school supplies that you would consider picking up for us to provide to the West Carleton Food Access Centre

Family Worship @ 4pm  
Sunday, September 7th ~ 4pm
Location: St. John's (1470 Donald B. Munro)
This awesome monthly service is an opportunity to experience an Anglican service with a casual contemporary feel. It is perfectly timed for families and neighbours to consider worshipping prior to a Sunday dinner!

Free Business Lunch Club  @ Christ Church
Friday, September 19th from 11:30 - 1pm
Location: Christ Church (3008 Carp Road)
You are invited to join with employees in the community for a casual lunch (soup, rolls, and coffee) and some conversation away from work!

St. James 125th Anniversary Dinner & Dance
Friday, Oct 10th from 6:30 - 8:30 (dinner) and 8:30 - Midnight (dance)
Location: Carp Agricultural Hall 
Ticket prices--$25.00 for adults
$10.00 for children 11 yr and under
Free--6 yr and under
Call the office to purchase your tickets 613-839-3195

Parish Green Audit Committee...

This is a brand new committee that will look at opportunities for our parish to consider the financial and environmental sustainability of our buildings. The recent Green Audit done on the Parish Hall and St. James will lead the conversation but all churches will be part of the work plan.

Please contact John Montgomery if you would like more information on participating in this very important initiative. His email is:


During the Summer we worship together as a Parish at the following times and locations:

9:30am ~ Sunday, August 3rd at Christ Church
9:30am ~ Sunday, August 10th at St. James
9:30am ~ Sunday, August 17th at St. John's
9:30am ~ Sunday, August 24th at Christ Church with Baptism
9:30am ~ Sunday, August 31st at St. James

We look forward to enjoying the summer worshipping God together in our community!

Special Thanks to Clare Nixon and Caitlin Beck who added some music to our worship this past Sunday.

Caitlin was a fellow student when I was at St. Paul's and she went off to Yale University for her Masters in Liturgy and now leads youth and family ministry in the Diocese of New Westminster, British Columbia. Clare, Joanne and I had the pleasure of spending time with Caitlin on Sunday afternoon as she shared her wisdom on using percussion (including hand drums of course!) into liturgy! 

Services & Readings for the next few weeks....

Sunday, August 3rd
9:30am - Christ Church with Rev. Sally
Genesis 32:22-31 
Psalm 17:1-7, 15 
Romans 9:1-5
Matthew 14:13-21

Sunday, August 10th 
9:30am - St. James with Rev. Bob Osbourne
Genesis 37:1-4, 12-28 
Psalm 105:1-6, 16-22, 45b 
Romans 10:5-15
Matthew 14:22-33

Sunday, August 17th
9:30am - Morning Prayer at St. Johns with Carol Bruce
Isaiah 56:1-8
Psalm 118
Mark 5:25-34

Our weekly Sunday Schedule can be found on the website by clicking HERE (

Other Parish Activities...

St. James Scattering Garden: (If you would like to participate in the building of this new sacred space please contact Charlene Johnston at 470-0142 or Charlene is also on the continual look-out for people to help with some of the work in the cemetery. Each of our church cemeteries should have a Cemetery Committee and we have not had a full committee at St. James for years. I would invite you to consider how important our cemetery is to our community and if you are able give Charlene a call to help out.

Cameos of Carp at St. Paul's United: Glenda Longworth and the team at St. Paul's are looking for submissions for their next theatre production of Cameos of Carp. If you have a historical story that you could write and share with their team for this years play please contact Glenda at ( You can take a look at their submission requirements by clicking HERE

Summer Office Hours:  Please remember that the summer hours for the office begin next week and continue until the last week of August. The office will only be open from 9am - Noon on Thursdays.

Exciting News & Opportunities at the  new West Ottawa Hospice

The Hospice Committee of St John's South March and the Parish of March are delighted to announce success in the application to the Diocese of Ottawa for partial funding of a Reflection Room in the new Ruddy-Shenkman Hospice.

The Committee has been awarded an initial $25,000.00 by the Diocese GIFT Grants Committee to support the creation of an Interfaith Reflection Room at the new hospice.

Over 20 west-Anglican churches have showed interest in being involved in different ways in this project that will unfold over the next five years.

Phyllis Paryas, Chair of the Committee says the following: "As you may imagine, there is great enthusiasm and gratitude from the Ruddy-Shenkman Hospice for this wonderful news from the Diocese. We have received thanks already from Kim Curran, Campaign Director and Rabbi Reuben Bulka, Chair. The Hospice has offered to host a meeting in September in the completed renovation space for Administration -- a former church building -- to acquaint all participating churches with progress in the renovation and building plans and to discuss how we may all, to the best of our abilities, help raise the matching funds.".

If you have any interested in participating in this exciting community initiative please contact me directly at so that I can have a conversation with you about our parish's potential involvement. 

Our support of this initiative will be dependant on one or two leaders who feel called to be involved (to an extent that can be determined) in this community endeavour.


Carp Drive In...

The Huntley Community Association is once again hosting "Drive In Movies" on Aug 13 and Aug 27th. They are in need of volunteers to work in the canteen, taking admission, parking cars and tear down. Please contact Charlene Johnston if you can help out:
The above photo is probably my favourite recent photos of the church! Seeing the church through the simple lettuce that has grown from seed in the garden. We are indeed all about feeding people... bread and wine and even salads!
My mustard seed homily this past Sunday explores this image as well! I offer a text version HERE

As I embark on two weeks of holidays and one week of work in Kamloops, B.C. I hope that the rest of your summer is guided by the desire to plan seeds and unlock the potential!

Hope your summer is blessing you in many ways!

Pastor Monique