Hello, real estate rockstars! We know your days are filled with hard work and we want to make it easier for you to stay updated in the world of real estate. As always, Assured Title is here to help! We scoured the web and other resources to provide you with a variety of useful, recent articles for your perusal.
The Buzz in Real Estate News:
Coming Soon Listings (CP-44)
At the most recent Colorado Real Estate Commission meeting held on June 3, 2014, the Commission adopted Commission Position CP- 44 regarding advertising properties as "coming soon" to the market. CP- 44 outlines a broker's obligation to exercise reasonable skill and care when advising a seller or landlord of the advantages or disadvantages of different marketing methods.
A jumbo sized (5x8) postcard of Colorado hiking trails.
This postcard listing Colorado hiking trails is perfect for mailing or walking around a neighborhood to share with clients and future clients. This marketing piece along with your contact information should earn a place on their fridge through the rest of the Summer!
Reach football fans all season long with a customizable schedule! Another marketing piece sure to last.
Assured Title is happy to customize postcards with your photo, logo and contact information for $10. E-mail us or contact your account executive for more information and print costs.
The Best in Real Estate Blogs:
15 Secrets of Home Staging
Preparing to take photos of a listing or host an open house for a property not showing its full potential? A change in the lighting, furniture arrangement or de-cluttering all have huge impacts on the appeal of your listing to interested buyers. Flip through these ideas and photos for inspiration!
Extreme Open Houses
Only 3.7 % of homes nationwide priced at $5 million or higher hosted open houses between March and May this year. Instead, they hosted unique, lavish parties with a small group of clientele. While not matching the same extreme, know you aren't limited to a traditional style of your next open house! Try out a beach party, picnic, simultaneous garage sale or theme.
A title commitment is the result of an order being placed with a title insurance entity usually pursuant to a mutually executed contract to buy and sell real property. The Commission approved real estate contract in Colorado calls for the seller to convey marketable title to the purchaser, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances except as specifically noted, as evidence by a commitment for title insurance.
A title commitment serves two functions under a Colorado real property transfer pursuant to the mutually executed contract to buy and sell. First, it is a binder for insurance evidencing insurable title. Second, it is the primary evidence of marketable title called for in the sales contract.