Celebrate the Equinox with Lords Metatron and Sanat Kumara
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Ascension Mastery Event



Join Walking Terra Christa for our free open teaching and celebration of the Equinox as these Sacred Earth and Celestial Energies are Important Transitions in both Hemispheres of GAIA.

We will experience the wisdom of Lords Metatron and Sanat Kumara within the gathering.

(UTC -7 check your local time)


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Autumn Equinox

September 22nd, 2014

US Pacific 07:29 PM

US Eastern 10:29 PM


September 23rd, 2014

UTC 02:29


I AM LORD METATRON with the Source of Light of the Unified Whole Command speaking to each of you from my Heart unto Yours.

We are at a very auspicious time within the Earth Energies.  Elements are changing quickly within GAIA’s core to allow for the entryway of more heightened energies to arise with all Sentient Beings of  Light.

It is my pleasure to be with each of you during this amazing and powerful exchange of energies.

As we embark upon the Equinox of September ~ Fall for the Northern Hemisphere and Spring for the Southern Hemisphere ~ we will be experiencing the higher levels of energies that have ensued for the past three months.

I ask you to recall of the Super Moons of July, August, and September that allowed each of you to go into a deeper part of your existence that you experienced previously.  There is a process that occurs with each new level of awareness that comes into the consciousness of every living being which includes all planetary existences of plants, animals, minerals, along with all landmasses around the globe.

These moon cycles that have occurred allow for the entryway for more acceleration within each person and living organism upon the planet.  Each of them represented a new step towards accepting Divine Interference of Light to come into your physical existence.  They also brought forth many areas of debris and darkness that need to be purged within your awareness.  As the Earth revolves in its planetary form, it creates more light frequency to come into wholeness within the planet.  When this occurs, each individual must work with the lightforce within them to either accept or deny the new essence that is trying to be acquired.

It is up to each individual person to understand within themselves what is occurring for them so that they may be able to find their new grounding cords to be fully active within themselves.  So as Gaia is changing, each of you are doing the same.

As these energies intertwine within your physical being, it is imperative to consistently understand that your Higher Self is guiding you into more acceptance of this world as it changes.   The only way that you are going to feel the full acceleration is to accept the fact that you are changing as a physical being, and your Spiritual Self is assisting you in the process.

So I ask each of you to consider within yourself what is occurring within your own framework of feelings and thoughts?

How are your meditations evolving and do you feel a dramatic difference within the changes that have occurred?

These are important questions to consider so that you, within yourself, can find the true answers that will help you acknowledge your Spiritual Essence within your Physical Existence.  Without it, you will be swimming in a pond of water that makes many twists and turns so that you feel as if you have no idea of what you are experiencing.  Within this process you cannot ground the energies that you are receiving.

Change is inevitable and each individual soul has a contract upon this earth to uphold their bargain to go through the changes and accept the movement so that Gaia can continue her journey forward.  Without it, then the abyss of darkness that you have been under for eons of time will continue.

Did I say this was easy?  No, of course it is not but that is why you, as the Lightworkers, Star Seeds, and Gifted Ones have come to Gaia’s aid at this time.  You are here to assist her in the process.

This means, that every time there is a new acceleration, you have a duty to fully accept it within yourself first.  Allow it to be within your chakras and full body system of your physical, etheric, emotional and mental fields in order to receive your Spiritual Body of Light.  Go deeper than you ever have done before; look at the mirrors in front of you and see where the core of your issues are lying.  They are not in someone else’s field or consciousness; they are right in your own backyard.

I share all of this groundwork, as we of the Spiritual Hierarchy within the Source of Light that have removed all of our pantheons, truly believe that now it is time for each of you to do the same.  When an issue arises in your presence, look at it; change it with your breath, with your higher essence, and utilize the Rays of God to assist.  These are the spectrums of light from God’s Source through the Elders That Surround the Throne of Grace through the Office of the Christ and into each Ray Chohan to come to every individual person.  I also ask you to realize that if someone tells you they can attune you to a specific ray or rays, that this is not so.  That is their lower ego talking as each person on this planet receives the same amount of frequency through God’s Light.  No one is the intermediary for this work.

Okay, so now we can get to the real information at hand.  This Equinox of September 2014 is going to rock your energies.  I shared the groundwork that needs to be done as these energies affecting every living organism of this planet will assist in bringing forth the higher realms of light to be accessed into Gaia’s core of Beingness.

This will occur at the onset of 02:29 UTC, September 23rd, 2014 (September 22nd, 2014 ~ 7:29 PM US Pacific, 10:29 PM US Eastern) and will last for a 24-hour period.

It is within this timeframe that the Sun will light up the Earth’s atmosphere through the 10th dimensional frequency of Light.  This will be guided by RA the Sun God, and Helios and Vesta of the Solar Level.  Through this acceleration the frequencies of light will increase up through the 144th dimensional Level (Source of Oneness) and then it will slowly decrease back to the 10th   enhancing the frequency into the Earth so that it settles into GAIA’s core.

Please understand that this is an Initiation of this light.  One must go through three stages of acceleration of Initiation, Activation, and Actualization.  This is just the beginning stage to be ignited within the planet.

Each of the Great Central Suns of the Solar, Galactic, Universal, Multi-Universal, and Cosmic will assist in this frequency of light to be sent through each individual upon the planet.

This is just a small sampling of the energies that will be occurring for each of you and Gaia as she accelerates through all three phases.

Some may think that all is going to be healed within this process. There is great capability for that to happen but it is not an actualization.  It all depends upon each and every person within the planet of what they do with it.  It is important to allow this initiation phase to flow within your body to help you with the challenges you are experiencing.

This means to fully look at our soul’s growth up to this point.

Have you dealt with psychological issues within your subconscious? 

Are you changing your thoughts and feelings to move into Oneness? 

This includes judgments, aggression, and looking at all of the archetypes that you have been in your soul’s past to change them.  Yes, I know it is deep work but it is part of the process; otherwise you will get lost in the shuffle of your delusions as they are not your true reality.

Each of you must understand that this frequency of light is going to change you, but you must be part of the process.  It is not something that is being gifted to this planet, because it is time.  It is occurring because Gaia is accelerating and each of you is a major part of this.   Everyone must do their part within themselves to help create the change within.  It then expands out of you to fully accept your Divinity of Light through your physical existence.

This is not a one-time occurrence either.  There will be more of the same.

So let’s speak about the positive aspects of this Initiation of the Light.

Wherever you are presently in your awareness, it will help you to ground it more fully.  You will accept yourself in a completely different manner than you did previously.  It will affect you emotionally, mentally, and physically.

If you presently have any pockets of debris that you have not worked through,, it will bring them up into your consciousness.  But I promise you this ~ this Initiation will be the most powerful frequency of Light that you have experienced and then walking through the new doorways will allow you to feel a better part of your Divine Self.  It will be easier to process the painful realizations that you have not wanted to face previously.

Changes can occur in many ways; go with your intuition of flow and accept the rebirth that you are experiencing in a completely and different way.

Ground the energies within the Earth; help Gaia to also receive.  Connect with the elements of the earth and all sentient beings.  Command what you are receiving to go to the lands, the waters, the mountains, and all particles of Gaia’s existence.

The best part of this Initiation is now you can accept your new essence and ground it. But with that comes the ability to manifest your Heart’s Desire within you.  I am not talking about your material possessions but the areas within your life that you need to change.  Open up your heart unto the ability to see the miracles of your life to enfold within you.  Hold your bounty of light and see it manifest into the earth’s reality.

Your harvest is about to begin.  Embrace what you have gone through, see the challenges and how they have helped you to know more about yourself.

In Blessings and Love I walk with you,

Lord Metatron within the Source of Light of the Unified Whole Command

We, at Walking Terra Christa, will be holding a special OPEN TELECALL to celebrate the Equinox energies.  We will gather at 4:30 PM Pacific, US.  Lord Metatron along with Sanat Kumara will be our guides for this journey.  If you would like to register for this FREE call, please use the link provided, http://walkingterrachrista.com/tele-teaching-registration/.  Additionally, we are holding a special Tele-Teaching Series with Lord Metatron, "The Golden Solar Angel", in October.  Please see our calendar for details.

Please share this special event as it is a very important one for those who desire to co-create Terra Christa (the Fifth Dimensional New Earth).

We look forward to having you join us in person to feel the energies that only Mount Shasta and The Academy of New Earth Mastery can bring.

Many Blessings in Oneness,

~Mel and Mike
Reverend Christine Meleriessee and Reverend J.Michael Hayden (Ara) for the Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery
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